Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- We all know about the sandwich generation – those of us who are caught in between trying to support our children in buying a home, and also in supporting our parents who need social care. But now there is a new generation – the club-sandwichers. They are those of us whose money is now going...Are you a club-sandwich pensioner?
- Many women start businesses in order to help society in some way, rather than to simply make money. According to recent research, 66 per cent of women said they had started a business to contribute to society, compared with just 39 per cent of men. The study led by Aston University in Birmingham found that:...Why women start businesses
- Whatever their age, the first day of a new school year can be a source of anxiety for children (and us!) Here’s how to prepare for it: Make sure you rehearse the routine in advance. Be aware of how long the journey takes at that time in the morning, and of any potential hold-ups on...Tips for grandparents about to start the school-run
- Looking at You What does the law say about food? What an apple might do for you How to avoid the tooth fairy Happiness is… Keep your brain healthy Don’t fight ‘book block’ Confiding in mum and dad? Best way to clean your house What happened to basic lavatory training? Universities can mistake ‘loneliness...Looking at You (all articles) September 2018
- Here’s some good news: an apple a day could help keep diabetes at bay, according to new health guidelines. Yoghurt, cheese and regular cups of tea or coffee are among other food and drinks that could also help ward off the condition. But keep an eye on the meat and potatoes – they may actually...What an apple might do for you
- Don’t feel guilty about giving up on a novel. If you don’t enjoy it, simply abandon it. That’s the advice of the Reading Agency, a literary charity which recently surveyed our novel reading habits. It found that more than 20 per cent of us refuse to give up on a book once we have started...Don’t fight ‘book block’
- The most efficient way to clean your house is to tackle it chore by chore, not room by room. Dusting, vacuuming, and tidying room by room wastes time, according to the Good Housekeeping Institute (GHI). Instead, once the duster is out, go over the whole house with it. Follow the same procedure with the vacuum...Best way to clean your house
- ‘Let him lead me to the banquet hall…’ Song of Solomon 2:4 Saturday was the annual village fete. By late in the afternoon, there were still some raw burgers left over. The butcher had supplied them frozen and during the day they had defrosted. Someone had baked some rock cakes which they could not...What does the law say about food in church?
- Who teaches young children how to use the lavatory and clean themselves up afterwards? You’d be surprised. According to YouGov research, more and more parents are failing to train their young children in this most basic of personal tasks. Instead, primary schoolteachers have to step in and teach them. So widespread has the problem become,...What happened to basic lavatory training?
- Many young people who have just left home for university will be lonely. That is a normal emotion of young adults, and it is certainly not a medical condition. So says a leading professor of psychiatry at Kings College London, who advises universities not to make the current mental health crisis worse by assuming that...Universities can mistake ‘loneliness for depression’
- London Fashion Week takes place 14th to 18th September. Hundreds of buyers, journalists, bloggers, fashionistas and photographers will all be in attendance as the top fashion houses showcase their new prints, fabrics, cuts and shapes for the spring and summer of 2019. LFW is far more than pretty models strutting up and down a catwalk....New fashions for the season ahead
- What health problem will lose our children around 60,000 days off school this year? Tooth decay. A child is having a rotten tooth extracted in England every ten minutes, due largely to high-sugar diets and a failing to clean their teeth properly. These recent figures from Public Heath England are alarming, but it is easy...How to avoid the tooth fairy