Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Church
Stories of Christians in action, both at home and around the world
- Could you offer temporary shelter to a victim of human trafficking? Helen and Jared Hodgson have started the only charity in the UK which provides a home to the victims of human trafficking, and they are seeking churchgoers across the UK who will help, by providing temporary accommodation. So far, the Hodgson’s Hope at Home...Do you have spare room in your home?
- A Bible app, YouVersion, has named Isaiah 41:10 as the most popular verse of 2018. That verse has been posted, bookmarked, and highlighted more times than any other on the app (which has been downloaded more than 350,000 times around the world). Isaiah 41:10 reads: ‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do...The Bible verse of 2018
- World Vision’s new programme to help stop child slavery in Ethiopia, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo is to receive £12.4m in funding from the UK aid budget over the next four years. The programme launched late last year and is aimed at supporting and bringing justice to 12,000 children suffering...Child slavery tackled
- 77 churches and chapels in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are sharing in a recent £430,000 grant payout from the National Churches Trust, the charity supporting church buildings of all Christian denominations across the UK. Broadcaster and journalist Huw Edwards, Vice President of The National Churches Trust, said: ‘The UK’s historic churches and chapels...Historic churches share in funding payout
- Caring for the Vicar New exploration of the ethical boycott of animal products Signs & Symbols: When is a Nod not a Yes? Coping with rising violence in prison – how chaplains can help Christmas attendance at highest level for more than a decade Help for your family’s eating disorders How far away is your...Looking at your Church (all articles) for January 2019
- The Church of England is looking into ways of giving more support to vicars. You may think here’s a nice life: house provided, regular salary, job security – and only one day’s work a week! But from my own personal experience I can assure you it’s not like that. In my working life I’ve had...Caring for the Vicar
- The Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics has published a new book exploring why people give up meat and dairy. The protest against meat eating may turn out to be one of the most significant movements of our age, it believes. In terms of our relations with animals, the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics says: ‘it...New exploration of the ethical boycott of animal products
- Do you ever find yourself nodding madly when listening to another person whilst at the same time completely disagreeing with what they are saying? You’re really just waiting for them to pause so you can say something like, ‘Yes, but …’. We nod for all sorts of reasons – and sometimes we are definitely not...Signs & Symbols: When is a Nod not a Yes?
- Christians have been reacting to recent news that prison violence has reached a record high, with more than 32,000 assaults in the 12 months to June 2018. That is a 20-per-cent increase on the previous figures, according to the Safety in Custody Statistics, published by the Ministry of Justice. There were also nearly 9,500 assaults...Coping with rising violence in prison – how chaplains can help
- Attendance at Christmas services in the Church of England is at its highest level for more than a decade, according to new figures recently published. The latest annual Statistics for Mission report shows that while traditional Sunday attendance edged lower in 2017, in line with long-term trends, the numbers attending Christmas services increased by 3.4 per...Christmas attendance at highest level for more than a decade
- A charity, Tastelife, has been set up to help support families struggling with eating disorders. Aimed at both sufferers and their carers, it was the brainchild of two Church of England volunteers, whose own families were deeply traumatised by the problem. Tastelife offers courses run over eight weeks to help families with guidance on how...Help for your family’s eating disorders
- How far do people have to go, to go to church? A recent survey has been finding out. The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), came from Nigeria to the UK in 1988, and has started some 850 churches since, has as its basic guide: “Start a church within 10 minutes walking distance of where...How far away is your church from your home?