Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Church
Stories of Christians in action, both at home and around the world
- Under the slogan, “once untrustworthy, always restricted” China’s planned AI (artificial intelligence) controlled “social credit” system will bring a new depth of intervention into the lives of Chinese citizens, including Christians, reports the Barnabas Fund. The Chinese government pilot schemes, in cities including Beijing and Shanghai, are underpinned by a vast network of advanced surveillance...Could “social scoring” surveillance increase pressure on Chinese Christians?
- The mainstream churches of Ireland have welcomed the recent decision of the Irish electorate to delete a clause in their Constitution which made blasphemy a criminal offence. The vote, held in a referendum late last year, was overwhelmingly in favour of deleting the clause, with nearly 65% voting for, and about 35% voting against. It...Irish delete blasphemy
- The fairtrade pioneer Traidcraft has made radical changes in order to prevent closure. It has slashed its product lines and kept just 12 employees. It will now focus on a core range of grocery products such as tea, coffee, and lavatory paper, and fewer handicrafts. But it promises to still challenge the conventional market by...Traidcraft to continue – but in ‘skinny’ version
- CMS Africa has just celebrated its first ten years with a new headquarters in Nairobi. CMS Africa was set up in 2008 to provide a link between the work of Christian missionaries, who have been in Africa since the 1800s, and churches, communities, and families across the continent. The building was the gift of CMS...CMS Africa looks to the future
- The UK has lost half of its hedgehog population since the year 2000. The Christian conservation charity, A Rocha UK, is out to stop the decline. ‘Project Hedgehog’ is one result, a joint initiative between A Rocha UK and the Lea Brook Valley Project. ‘Project Hedgehog’ provides purpose-built, cat-proof hedgehog boxes for private gardens. There...Help our hedgehogs – or lose them forever
- This section will appear on Monday morning, 3rd DecemberLooking at your Church
- Asia Bibi acquitted by Pakistan’s Supreme Court O Little Café in Bethlehem… Give away Christmas HOPE Christmas services growing in our cathedrals Just hay in the manger? The woman bishop who does not much like all-female clergy at services CAP is worth millions to UK economy Why your Bible App’s ‘verse of the day’ may...Looking at your Church (all articles) for Decembeer 2018
- Pakistan’s Supreme Court recently overturned a death penalty on the Christian farm labourer who has become the country’s highest profile prisoner. Asia Bibi has spent six years on death row facing blasphemy charges – a charge she has always denied. Within hours of the verdict, protests had broken out in in Islamabad and other cities,...Asia Bibi acquitted by Pakistan’s Supreme Court
- Connect Cafe, an innovative project launched in 2017 by JEO Ministry, creates space for relationships, outreach and discipleship in Bethlehem. JEO, an organisation that seeks to reach out to all people in the Holy Land with the message of Jesus, is led by Church Mission Society local partner Rami Fellemon. JEO runs ministries that aim...O Little Café in Bethlehem…
- Could a glossy magazine help you start a conversation about Jesus and the reason for the Christmas season? Christmas HOPE is a 32-page give-away magazine to help churches connect with their local community in the festive season. Topical features and eye-catching photos draw readers into an easy-to-read publication packed with testimonies and stories that point...Give away Christmas HOPE
- Attendance at Christmas services in England’s cathedrals has broken records for the second year running, according to recent statistics. A total of 135,000 people came to Church of England cathedrals to worship on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in 2017 – an increase of three per cent on the previous year, and the highest total...Christmas services growing in our cathedrals
- We all know the scene – children dressed up as shepherds, wise men and angels smiling round a baby Jesus in a hay-filled manger. But how much do we know about the real story of Christmas? What was Bethlehem really like? Who were the three Kings? Who was Mary? Now a new, short guide takes you...Just hay in the manger?