Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Church
Stories of Christians in action, both at home and around the world
- Christians in Central Asia are facing worship bans, arrest and torture as Islamic nationalism gains ground in their countries. They can be arrested for reading the Bible in a public place, such as a bus or a train, or for telling other people about Jesus. They have had their church registrations cancelled, forcing them to...Central Asia clamps down on Christians
- Share a Meal – share hope China – persecution of Christians soars as new laws kick in What the UK Church looks like in 2018 Say a ‘thank you’ prayer at home Share a little light this Halloween Seven reasons why our churches need more men ** Editor: This scheme offers good ideas for Harvest...Looking at your Church (all articles) for October 2018
- Churches traditionally celebrate Harvest in the autumn. In times past, Harvest was a major festival celebrated in villages and towns across the country. HOPE wants to put Harvest back at the centre of church and community life as a season with an extra focus on hospitality and generosity. Harvest is a celebration of all the good...Share a Meal – share hope
- It is now eight months since tough new restrictions on religious freedom came into force across China. Release International, which supports Christians under pressure around the world, says persecution has been rising dramatically. According to Release partner Bob Fu, the persecution of Christians in China is now at the highest level since the Cultural Revolution....China – persecution of Christians soars as new laws kick in
- The church is both declining and growing! There are 270 different denominations in the UK, 95 of which exist in Scotland. For simplicity these are put into 10 groups, the three largest of which are the Anglicans, Catholics and Presbyterians. Between them, these three Churches account for one fifth, 20%, of all the denominations. But...What the UK Church looks like in 2018
- A line in the Lord’s Prayer asks God to ‘Give us this day our daily bread’. When we say that line, we’re asking God to provide the basic things in life that keep us healthy and happy. It can start with the food we need to eat each day, but for lots of different reasons,...Say a ‘thank you’ prayer at home
- Some parents aren’t sure quite what to feel about Hallowe’en – is it just harmless fun, or are there aspects of it that don’t fit in with how we want to see the world? A child’s christening service is very honest about the reality of good and evil, and Hallowe’en can be a good time...Share a little light this Halloween
- You probably have already guessed that there are more women than men in UK churches. In general, the ratio is about 40 men for every 60 women. Now recent research into this gender imbalance has also found: 1.8 million fewer men than women in the UK say they are practising Christians. Up to one-third of Christian...Seven reasons why our churches need more men
- Come back to church! Saying Thank You for Food Taxi drivers back campaign to eradicate modern slavery in hand car washes Repair fund of £40m prepares cathedrals for First World War commemorations Historic churches ‘threatened’ by funding cuts and climate change Methodists welcome closer ties African growth – and African problems Bigger in America **...Looking at your Church (all articles) for September 2018
- Throughout this month and next, churches across the country will be having Harvest Festival Services. These often involve bringing food donations and sometimes toiletries to give to food banks or homeless charities. Often they’ll be hymns and songs to say ‘thank you’ to God for all that He provides, every day. This year our Harvest...Saying Thank You for Food
- A £40m scheme to conserve and repair England’s cathedrals ahead of First World War centenary events has significantly reduced immediate risks, according to a report published today. England’s cathedrals contribute more than £220m to the economy each year, drawing in more than 11 million visitors. Often complex and historic buildings, each has the responsibility for...Repair fund of £40m prepares cathedrals for First World War commemorations
- To encourage you to attend, how about if we offered: Beds – for those who say Sunday is their day to sleep-in. Safety helmets – for anyone who fears the roof would fall in if they entered a church door. Blankets and hot water bottles – for those who find our church too cold. Fans...Come back to church!