Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Church
Stories of Christians in action, both at home and around the world
- By Naomi Steinberg, Church Mission Society As a 200+-year old mission community, we can tell you there are loads of myths about mission. Here is the second ‘myth’ in our series. If you do a quick Google image search on the word “missionaries” it will return a large number of white, western faces surrounded by...Top four myths about mission – Myth two: Mission is primarily a western thing
- We are currently in the season when churches hold their AGMs or Annual Church Meetings. It’s an important opportunity for the church to come together, to celebrate its life over the past year and look forward to the future. There is important business to do, i.e. elect churchwardens, PCC and Deanery Synod members, as well...Your church’s AGM – don’t miss out!!
- During this year’s celebration of ‘votes for women’ – well, some women, to start with – a hundred years ago, the BBC ran a public poll to nominate the one woman who had made ‘the most difference’. People were nominated from different sectors of society – the arts, business, fashion, politics and so on –...A Christian Pioneer for Women
- Looking at Your Church Billy Graham – a godly man with a simple message AGMs: Don’t miss out!! Top four myths about mission – Myth two: Mission is primarily a western thing Is there a seconder? A Christian Pioneer for Women Not many came Read us a Bible Story! Nominal Christians ** Editor: This may...Looking at your Church (all articles) for April 2018
- Looking at the Church HOPE at Easter – get the magazine – free! The unexpected effect of celebrity vicars Top four myths about mission How often do you read the Bible? How often do you pray? Is ‘religious karaoke’ growing in popularity? Those people who visit our Cathedrals Some churches sagging into disrepair How the...Looking at your Church (all articles) for March 2018
- Looking at the Church Flip a pancake – and help someone in debt The oldest Bible comes back to the UK The easy way to discover your local churches Pray for South Sudan Historic churches and chapels are set to benefit from ‘rescue funds’ South Sudan hunger crisis set to intensify in 2018 How much do...Looking at your Church (all articles) for February 2018
- Looking at the Church and Christians in action HOPE 2018 – words and action to make Jesus known 7th January – Plough Sunday: asking God’s blessing Holocaust Memorial Day – Saturday 27th January 28th January: Homeless Sunday 28th January – World Leprosy Day The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18th – 25th January The...Looking at your Church (all articles) for January 2018
- Looking at the Church Make a journey to your neighbours this Christmas Angel Tree – Bringing the gift of joy to prisoners’ families at Christmas Bringing hope to prisoners Now you can give by ‘tap & go’ TotSlot Training – helping new parents understand ‘attachment’ Children’s Society responds to CQC review of children’s mental...Looking at your Church (all articles) for December 2017
- Looking at the Church – and Christians in action worldwide Church leaders plan to mobilise congregations to talk about Jesus 25 Years after Dibley Women and the priesthood – 25 years on Women and the priesthood – 25 years on (longer version) Ted’s washcloth – a true story from Operation Christmas Child ** Editor: Ever...Looking at your Church (all articles) for November 2017
- Time for Pumpkin Heroes from World Vision! Scripture Union celebrate 150 years Time to speak out on behalf of persecuted Christian women Syrian Christians displaced, impoverished and hungry Ever wonder what real difference reading the Bible could make in your life? Help! We’re parents Christians helping the blind ** Editor: There is an...Looking at Your Church (all articles) for October 2017
- Looking at your Church (all articles) for September 2017
- Here you will find all the stories under this section.Looking at your Church (all articles) for August 2017