Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Community
Wider community events, and significant anniversaries of historical interest.
- Sister Mary Teresa – the future Mother Teresa – arrived in Calcutta 90 years ago this month, on 6th January 1929, to begin working with the poor and the sick. Born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in Skopje, Macedonia, in 1910, she was of Albanian heritage but had moved to Ireland in 1928 to join the Sisters...Mother Teresa – 90 years since her work began
- It was 50 years ago this month, on 30th January 1969, that the Beatles gave their last public performance – on the roof of Apple Studios in London. It was their first truly live show since their final tour ended on 29th August 1966, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. They had become less popular...The Beatles’ last concert
- Do you have asthma? Then beware of air pollution. It may cause one in three cases of asthma hospitalisation worldwide. So concludes a recent major study at The George Washington University in Washington DC. Doctors found that nine to 23million annual asthma A&E visits worldwide may have been triggered by ozone, a pollutant generated when...Asthma warning
- According to the current Ipsos MORI Veracity Index, our faith in bankers is growing. Public trust in Britain’s bankers has actually doubled in the past five years, with two in five of us now saying we would trust a banker to be truthful. The people we trust most of all are still our doctors and...Who do you trust?
- Nearly 50,000 children in the UK are living with adults who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, according to recent Public Health England figures. That will include a proportion of middle class and professional families.Drugs and alcohol
- Satellite pictures of earth are usually beautiful, but not these: The Environment Agency has begun using satellite images to monitor plastic pollution off Britain’s shores, so that it can send clean-up teams in to protect wildlife. Each year the world makes about 380million tons of plastic. At least eight million tons of the stuff ends...What a view!
- Who thinks up tests like this? Scientists have been out collecting spiders from rural and urban areas all across Europe, to test whether or not their natural fear of light is changing. They found that country spiders, regardless from which country, still prefer quiet, dark places. However, urban spiders are becoming brazen, and are happy...Brazen city spiders
- All in the month of December How Silent Night first began – 200 years ago Peaceful Praise on a silent night The Conversion of Ebenezer Scrooge How A Christmas Carol first began – 175 years ago The legacy of Miss Potter The podcast phenomenon Expensive Christmas cracker The great ‘Takeaway’ take-over ** Editor: We continue...Looking at your Community (all articles) December 2018
- It was 200 years ago, on 24th December 1818 that the popular Christmas carol ‘Silent Night’ was performed for the first time, at midnight mass at a parish church in Oberndorf bei Salzburg, Austria. It had been written just a few hours earlier by teacher and church organist Franz Xaver Gruber, to lyrics by priest...All in the month of December
- One of the most popular Christmas carols, Silent Night, was performed for the first time 200 years ago this month, on 24th December 1818, at midnight mass at a parish church in Oberndorf, near Salzburg, Austria. The carol was originally a poem, written in six verses by priest Joseph Mohr two years earlier. Because the...How Silent Night first began – 200 years ago
- 200 years ago this Christmas Eve a parish priest near Salzburg in Austria and his organist wrote a new carol for the midnight mass. The priest, Fr Joseph Mohr, provided the words in a poem he had recently written. The organist was Franz Xavier Gruber who created a tune of haunting beauty. The carol, Stille...Peaceful Praise on a silent night
- Charles Dickens’ novella A Christmas Carol was first published 175 years ago, on 19th December 1843, at a time when the author was hard-pressed financially but appeared inspired by his themes of redemption and poverty. The first edition sold out by Christmas Eve, and by the end of the next year 13 editions had been...How A Christmas Carol first began – 175 years ago