Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Community
Wider community events, and significant anniversaries of historical interest.
- The moment the Church of Scotland defied King Charles I is among a vast number of historical documents now available to view on the ScotlandsPeople website. ( As part of a wider release of almost 4,000 volumes of church court records, National Records of Scotland (NRS) has added papers from the church’s governing court, the...Thousands of Church of Scotland records go online
- August is the perfect month to look out for bats, when our soft, warm twilight evenings are full of the tiny flying insects that attract them. But these days bats need our help, and so this annual celebration will include a good few ‘bat events’ this month. If you like bats, you may enjoy one...International Bat Night – 24th August
- All in the month of July Remembering the Rwandan genocide 1984 – the burning of York Minster The Lord of the Rings turns 70 125 years of Gideons and Bibles Prime Ministers ** Editor: We continue our column that looks at memorable dates in the month (this time, June) down the years. Here is a...Looking at Community (all) for July 2024
- It was: 750 years ago, on 11th July 1272 that Robert I (Robert the Bruce) was born. He was King of Scotland 1306-29. 125 years ago, on 1st July 1899 that the Gideons International was founded. The evangelical Christian association places free Bibles in hotel rooms, hospitals, schools, military bases and prisons around the world....All in the month of July
- Thirty years ago, on 15th July 1994, the Rwandan genocide ended. Up to 1.1 million people were killed by the Hutu-led government and other militias between April and July. Rwanda is a small central African country in the Great Rift Valley, dwarfed by the Democratic Republic of Congo to its west and close to the...Remembering the Rwandan genocide
- Forty years ago, on 9th July 1984, York Minster was struck by lightning, which set fire to the roof and destroyed the south transept. It was the most recent of five fires that have occurred there over the years: the causes have ranged from workmen burning coals (1753) through arson using torn-up hymnbooks (1829) to...1984 – the burning of York Minster
- Seventy years ago, on 21st July 1954, the first part of J R R Tolkien’s epic fantasy novel The Lord of the Ringswas published. The Fellowship of the Ring, the first volume of a trilogy later published together, was a much more adult-oriented sequel to The Hobbit, published in 1937. It occupied the same ground...The Lord of the Rings turns 70
- It was 125 years ago, on 1st July 1899, that Gideons International was founded. The evangelical Christian association places free Bibles in hotel rooms, hospitals, schools, military bases and prisons around the world. It started when two traveling salesmen from Wisconsin in the northern USA – John Nicholson of Janesville and Samuel Hill of Beloit –...125 years of Gideons and Bibles
- Britain had its first Prime Minister (PM) in 1721 when Sir Robert Walpole took the job; he was a Whig. In total thus far we have had 81 Prime Ministers; this excludes First Ministers and doesn’t count separately an existing PM who wins the election and continues in office. If s/he loses but subsequently wins another...Prime Ministers
- All in the month of June The D-Day Normandy Landings The RSPCA celebrates 200 years George Orwell of Nineteen Eighty-Four The disappearance of George Mallory on Everest The back story to what is happening in Sudan ** Editor: We continue our column that looks at memorable dates in the month (this time, June) down the...Looking at Community (all articles)
- It was: 200 years ago, on 16th June 1824, that a London vicar, Arthur Broome, and some 22 of his friends, including the MPs William Wilberforce (anti-slavery campaigner) met at Old Slaughters Coffee House to found the SPCA – the first national animal protection society in the world. By1840 Queen Victoria had given permission for...All in the month of June
- Eighty years ago, on 6th June 1944, the D-Day Normandy Landings took place. More than 150,000 Allied troops landed on the beaches of Normandy. The Battle of Normandy ended on 25th August with an Allied victory. The question of what the D stood for has never been absolutely determined: some say it just stood for...The D-Day Normandy Landings