Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- Martha cooked But Mary looked And sat at the Master’s feet, It’s a story of old But we are told It’s where man and God can meet. So much to do But think it through There’s a place for you and me, To spend time with the Lord And be found in His word It’s...Prioritising
- Peter knelt upon a roof – He’d gone up there to pray; He’d gone to seek his Father’s face In the middle of the day. He saw a sheet of dodgy food And heard an angel say, “I know you’re hungry, Peter, so Come, eat your fill today!” But Peter gazed with horror at...Peter’s Vision
- A garden is a mystery It makes me question ‘why?’ The plants I nurture with such care Just shrivel up and die? While seeds that I don’t know about All vigorously thrive And grow like fabled beanstalks From cracks within my drive! By Nigel BeetonA Garden Mystery
- When all thy mercies, O my God, My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I’m lost In wonder, love and praise. By Joseph AddisonWonder
- Oh, you gotta get a glory In the work you do; A Hallelujah chorus In the heart of you. Paint, or tell a story, Sing, or shovel coal, But you gotta get a glory, Or the job lacks soul. AnonymousGlory
- O Lord, my heart is all a prayer, But it is silent unto thee; I am too tired to look for words, I rest upon thy sympathy To understand when I am dumb; And well I know thou hearest me. I know thou hearest me because A quiet peace comes down to me, And...Quiet Peace
- Peter Courage to die for You The Three Rich and Generous Peace to the End He had no home Before Right Wright Peace between neighbours ** Editor: 29th June is St. Peter’s day, so this may be of interest. Peter (Mt 26:71-75, John21:15-18) I don’t know the man. I don’t know Him. I don’t know...Prayers and Poems (all) for June 2019
- (Mt 26:71-75, John21:15-18) I don’t know the man. I don’t know Him. I don’t know Him. But I did. From the moment I turned to Him, That day by the Sea, I knew Him, Knew He was the Lord. I so wanted to serve Him, Speak for Him, Follow Him, Fish for...Peter
- There is brutal persecution of Christians today in many parts of the world. To them the prayer of a man who died nearly 18 centuries ago would be very relevant…. Cyprian of Carthage was martyred during the terrible persecutions of the Roman Empire in 258. We believe and trust, Lord, that at the time of...Courage to die for You
- The eye of God with thee to dwell, The foot of Christ to guide thee well, The Spirit’s pouring shower to swell Thy rich and gen’rous fountain-well. From Poems of the Western HighlandersThe Three Rich and Generous
- The peace of God to dwell with you, The peace of Christ to dwell with you, The peace of Spirit dwell with you, And peace dwell with your children too, From the day we have here to-day To the last day of your life’s way, Till come the day that ends your way. From Poems...Peace to the End
- He had no home, The birds of the air had nests But He had nowhere to lay His head. He lived as a poor man Supported by friends, But fed the thousands with fish and bread. He preached three years Persecuted by Pharisees Who thought He came to destroy the Law, But the people...He had no home