Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- I saw the summer flowers on a bright and sunny day, I heard the sound of birdsong as they fluttered on their way I thought all this was science, only nature’s rules at play – And that was such a shame. I saw the stars of winter shining in a velvet sky I knew creation’s...Before
- A student called ‘Wright’, so they say Wrote ‘right’ in a wrong kind of way His teacher, inflamed Then loudly exclaimed “Right Wright, write ‘right’ right, right away!” By Nigel BeetonRight Wright
- Peace between neighbours near, Peace between kindred here, Peace between lovers dear, In the love of the King of us all. Peace man with man abide, Peace man to wife allied, Mother and bairns to guide, And peace of the Christ above all. Bless, O Christ, bless my face, My face bless every...Peace between neighbours
- May Day Prayer Ascension A prayer at Ascension God’s Creation Duty Done (For this month) The Inexperienced Gardener ** Editor: Here is an ancient prayer as May begins… May Day Prayer Might of the Triune our shield in distress, The paschal Christ’s might with his peace to bless, Spirit’s might, Healer of salvation’s state, The...Prayers & Poems (all) for May 2019
- Might of the Triune our shield in distress, The paschal Christ’s might with his peace to bless, Spirit’s might, Healer of salvation’s state, The gracious King’s might, precious Father great. Bless us ourselves, the children that we own, Our generations bless that shall be sown, Bless the sire who gave unto us our name,...May Day Prayer
- (Luke 24:44-53) Scriptures fulfilled, Minds opened, We followed him to Bethany. And there was joy in the blessing Of our risen Lord, Jesus, God on earth. And in the blessing Was the leaving, And in the leaving Was the blessing – His Spirit of life and power To witness to the world Of our ascended...Ascension
- To complete your seamless robe, and so to complete our faith, you ascended through the air into the heavens, before the very eyes of the apostles. In this way you showed that you are Lord of all, and are the fulfilment of all Creation. Thus, from that moment every human and every living creature should...A prayer at Ascension
- God’s creation, what a sensation Myriads of stars all known by name, Each constellation telling their story, Bursting with glory, God’s power to proclaim. Beautiful Pleiades, The Bear with its Cubs, Orion’s Belt, all set in the sky Our planet of blue transfixed in the heavens Touched with the finger of God from on high....God’s Creation
- Sitting there, on Sunday morning, Congregations in their pews Read their magazines, informing Them of all the latest news. All save one who sits there smiling – She knows that journal very well Having spent a month compiling – She knows what those pages tell! She it was who, deadlines facing Got those varied items...Duty Done (For this month)
- A vicar, from Islington way, Permitted his rose to decay. His wife, with more vigour Bought a hose with a trigger And said to her spouse, “let us spray!” By Nigel BeetonThe Inexperienced Gardener
- The truth is… Easter prayer of thanks EASTER Waiting in the darkness for the light to come Riding on a donkey The Easter Egg Hunt ** The truth is… (1 Corinthians 15:19-26) Christ has indeed been raised from the dead! This is the true, real and wonderful good news story. Thank God that in this...Prayers and Poems (all) for April 2019
- (1 Corinthians 15:19-26) Christ has indeed been raised from the dead! This is the true, real and wonderful good news story. Thank God that in this world of chaos, Lies and fake-news messengers and moaners Here is truth to sustain and encourage… Christ has indeed been raised from the dead. He has overcome...The truth is…