Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- The Christians’ Prayer The Christians’ prayer did God implore That Peter should be jailed no more! But God, faithfully Had set Peter free He waited, freezing, by the door! By Nigel BeetonThe Christian’s Prayer
- Dancing in the Rain We wait and hope for better times And pray for far less pain; We’re waiting for the storm to pass Taking shelter from the rain. But yet we wait for far too long And waiting seems in vain. The storms outside are stronger still We see torrential rain. So wait not...Dancing in the Rain
- I Am the Great Sun (from a Norman crucifix of 1632) I am the great sun, but you do not see me. I am your husband, but you turn away. I am the captive, but you do not free me, I am the captain you will not obey. I am the truth, but you will...I Am the Great Sun
- Short prayers Prayers don’t need to be long to be acceptable to God. For instance, consider: Peter (Matt 14.30): Lord, save me. A Canaanite woman (Matt 15.25): Lord, help me. Samuel (1 Sam. 3:10): Speak, for your servant is listening. Psalm 43.3: O send out your light and your truth; let them lead me; let...Short prayers
- John and Jesus Isaiah’s words were ringing out As John called out ‘Prepare the way’ For one who would come who was greater than he, How Moses had longed to see His day. Clad with a garment of camel hair, John’s special ministry had begun, His call to repent and be baptised Announcing the coming...John and Jesus
- A prayer for the lonely and lost Heavenly Father, Thank you for loving us. So many people feel lonely and isolated and unloved today. In a culture that values I above all things, help us to look beyond our i- phones and i- pads and selfies. Help us to see with your eyes, to love...A prayer for the lonely and lost
- Beautiful Days (Hebrews 13:5) Lord, it’s a beautiful day sun shining, birds singing, blossom and flowers at their best. I’m thankful, but so, so lonely, so, so sad. Summer doesn’t fill the gap, it widens it. Smiles and shorts and sun-cream, the holiday plans of others magnify my loss. Lord help me, please. Restore my...Beautiful Days
- A Grace We bless thee, Lord, for this our food For life and health and every good May we, more blest than we deserve Live less for self and more to serve. AnonA Grace
- (Acts 2) From prophecy to fulfilment, from fear to courage, from confusion to conviction, from despair to certain hope, from head to heart, from longing to knowing, from weakness to strength, from paralysis to power. What a difference a day makes – The Day of Pentecost when the Spirit came and everything was different and...The Day of Pentecost
- Father, Thank you for sending Jesus to be one of us and to show us how you want us to live. Thank you that He chose to live for us and to die for us. Thank you that when He returned to you, He didn’t leave us to flounder but sent us His Spirit to...Pentecost Prayer
- The tax collector had climbed a tree Trying to see what it was all about ‘Come down Zaccheus, I’ll eat at your house’, And Zaccheus’ life was turned inside out. Simon the Pharisee invited the Lord And at the meal a woman came in, With tears and perfume she anointed His feet And Jesus responded...Meals with Jesus
- When we opt not to vote We ought to take note That it’s not been forever like this; Not that long ago It would have been so That we’d have to give voting a miss! Unless we were rich With cloth of gold stitch A Lord or a Peer of the Land A country Esquire...Thursday, the Third Day of May