Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- Work of art The New Year This was the moment Turn your love Let nothing disturb thee A New Year’s Resolution As time goes by! Great lives Why churchwardens love January ** Work of art (Mt 6:25-34, Eph2:10, Gen1:27) Clothing grass, Fashioning feathers and flowers, The Master Designer Shows off His work to His people...Prayers & Poems (all) for January 2024
- Everyday Christmas Christmas Prayer 2023 Christmas 2023 Your Christmas Dinner Table The Robin on my Christmas Card Babies do that to you Christmas to Me ** Everyday Christmas (Mal 4:2, Mt 1:23) Light a candle, Look into the light, Pray. Light and life to all he brings, Risen with healing in his wings As the...Prayers & Poems (all) for December 2023
- Watch, Wait Prayer for November 2023 Making melody unto the Lord Christ the King Spiders ** Watch, Wait (Mk 13:31-37, Rev 21:3,4,22:20) Help us to watch, Lord, While we wait. To watch as we serve You, On the margins, In the mainstream, In the mix-up of this world. Yet always preparing, Building for Your kingdom...Prayers & Poems (all) for November 2023
- Spoken, Written, Living Word A Prayer for October Loaves and Fishes The Crumbs beneath the Table A Funny Old Lady God our Help Falling Leaves ** Spoken, Written, Living Word (Gen1:3&31, 3, Ps 119:105, Isaiah 40:8, 55:11, Jn1:1) God has spoken. His word created everything In the beginning. God saw all That He had spoken...Prayers & Poems (all) for October 2023
- Teacher Prayer for September 2023 Prayer of thanks for teachers A Strong Hold< A Thief in the Night When Autumn Comes The Secret of Living ** Teacher (John 13:13) Jesus was a teacher – the best. He spoke, demonstrated, and embodied His message. He lived it out and died it out and brought it back...Prayers & Poems (all) for September 2023
- Transfiguration Teach us to pray The Water of Life The Ancient Lanes of England I am your ship No money ** Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36) Praying on the mountain top We saw amazing things, Moses and Elijah And Jesus, in dazzling white, his face shining. The Lawgiver, the Prophet And the Lord. Written Word, Spoken Word,...Prayers & Poems (all) for August 2023
- Time Choices A prayer for July Storms of Life The hairs upon your head Alfresco There Come reign in me Confidence in God ** Time Choices (Lk 10:38-42) Martha is distracted, too busy preparing for the needs of the day. Not enough time… not enough time. Mary is focused, taking time to meet the needs...Prayers & Poems (all) for July 2023
- Foundations Prayer for June 2023 The Wonder of Creation The Trinity The Bookcase Clock ** Foundations (Matthew 7:24-29) What will happen to my house Lord, Now that the rain is falling, Now that the floods are rising, Now that the wind is blowing And beating, beating upon it? Sunday by Sunday I hear your Word...Prayers & Poems (all) for June 2023
- Coronation Prayer 2023 Signs and Promises Pentecost Prayer Acts 2 Blind Bartimaeus United St John the Swift ** Coronation Prayer 2023 Almighty God, On the occasion of the crowning of King Charles 111, we, the people, pray for him. We thank you for him and for the calling on his life and we recognise the weight...Prayers & Poems (all) for May 2023
- Only Jesus Easter Prayer 2023 Easter Story Outside an Empty Tomb Chocolate John 12 ** Only Jesus (John 19:17, 1:4) Carrying the cross by Himself He went out. Sent out, Yet choosing to go. Word of life, Choosing death, Knowing the end from the beginning, Carrying the cross by Himself He went out. The only...Prayers & Poems (all) for April 2023
- A reflection on The Lord’s Prayer A prayer for Lent St David’s Day< Some kind of lamb March Hares The Vicar’s lost his iPad! Your will Prayer ** Editor: This month is Lent, when we take a good hard look at where we stand with God… A reflection on The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:1-18) Our...Prayers and Poems (all) for March 2023
- Pray For Candlemas, 2nd February Lost and found Wonderful Things Lent Disturb us, Lord Come reign in me ** Pray (Matthew 6:5,9) When you pray… Words and wisdom of Jesus – He doesn’t say, if or in case, He says, when… you pray. And we will. From deep within, Our spirit calls out to God,...Prayers and Poems (all) for February 2023