Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- Peter Prayer for Encouragement in June Charity The Ancient Church The Post Card Peace between neighbours God’s Care ** Editor: 29 June is St Peter’s day, so this may be of interest…. Peter (Mt 26:71-75, John21:15-18) I don’t know the man. I don’t know Him. I don’t know Him. But I did. From the moment...Prayers & Poems (all) for June 2021
- Ascension Prayer for Pentecost The Travellers A Lady with the Shot My Garden? Ascension ** Editor: Ascension Day this year is on 13th May. Ascension (Luke 24:44-53) Scriptures fulfilled, Minds opened, We followed Him to Bethany. And there was joy in the blessing Of our risen Lord, Jesus, God on earth. And in...Prayers & Poems (all) for May 2021
- Easter Morning Easter Prayer The Crossroad Can it be Easter Already? The Way SPRING A Prayer before the Cross ** Easter Morning (John 20:1-18) Who is it you are looking for? Who? Mary, Looking for her Lord, Early in the morning, While it was still dark, Looking for Jesus, Expecting His death-wrapped body, Finding, instead,...Prayers & Poems (all) for April 2021
- Letter to Joseph of Nazareth Prayer for Families The Upper Room Together The Goldfinch JESUS Thoughts Written in March ** Editor: 25th March sees the Annunciation, when the angel told Mary that she was going to have a special baby… this poem reflects on Joseph’s reaction. Letter to Joseph of Nazareth (Mt 1:16, 18 –end,13:55;...Prayers & Poems (all) for March 2021
- Truth Encounter A prayer for the pandemic The Water of Life A February Rose In this Lenten Time renew us A Prayer for Light The woe of war In the wilderness Love The ages of life ** Truth Encounter (Luke 4:1-14, John 17:17, James 4:7) Led by the Spirit And tempted by the devil He...Prayers & Poems (all) for February 2021
- The Fourth Gift Prayer for New Year 2021 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2021 As a New Year begins A New Year’s resolution-prayer ** The Fourth Gift The fourth gift they had was Wisdom, The one they needed for themselves And the world. Wisdom To leave the familiar In search of a new security More precious than...Prayers & Poems (all) for January 2021
- Everyday Christmas Christmas Foretold Christmas Frustration???? Let’s hear it for the Christmas card! Christmas to Me The Virgin Lines from Invocation of Peace ** Everyday Christmas (Mal 4:2, Mt 1:23) Light a candle, Look into the light, Pray. Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings As the flame rises,...Prayers & Poems (all) for December 2020
- Sending The Blessed Dead War and Peace David and Goliath Named Storms The Promise of Advent Election Day (from) The Brewing of Soma O England, Country of my Heart’s Desire ** Editor: 29th November is the day of intercession and thanksgiving for the missionary work of the Church. This poem acknowledges that it is and always has...Prayers & Poems (all) for November 2020
- Need for healing Fruit of the Spirit Jericho Ode to Job Litter Virus A Helping Hand The Gates of the Kingdom ** Editor: The Revd Peter Crumpler is a Church of England priest in St Albans, Herts, and a former communications director for the CofE. Need for healing Heavenly Father, We bring to you all...Prayers & Poems (all) for October 2020
- Next to you and lonely Oberammergau Why has my father brought me here? A cup of joy! Saint Michael Praise to the Holiest in the height ** Next to you and lonely (Matthew 25:40) Cups of tea and people, People who do and who know. People with purposeful expressions, Their eyes searching beyond her, through...Prayers & Poems (all) for September 2020
- The Slide Meditation on the Good Use of Sickness The Chief Purpose of Man The Lockdown Lifts Shadows and gravestones Morning Prayer Lord of the mountains ** Editor: For anyone who is learning about trust in God…. The Slide As I watch She climbs the steps steadily, Holding the handrail, Her two-year old feet following...Prayers & Poems (all) for August 2020
- Peace be with you Name above all Names Our Daily Bread Speak, don’t Strike! 23rd Psalm for the hard-pressed student Lo, I am with you always Good to know I am only one ** Peace be with you (Jn 20:24-31, 14:5,11:16) Through absence, Through doubt, Through questions And fears, Through locked doors And longing Jesus...Prayers & Poems (all) for July 2020