Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- Peace be with you Name above all Names Our Daily Bread Speak, don’t Strike! 23rd Psalm for the hard-pressed student Lo, I am with you always Good to know ** Peace be with you (Jn 20:24-31, 14:5,11:16) Through absence, Through doubt, Through questions And fears, Through locked doors And longing Jesus comes. His risen presence...Prayers & Poems (all) for July 2020
- Planted in the love of the Father In the Day of Trouble St Sofa’s Titwillow Shield me The cattle grazing ** Planted in the love of the Father Planted in the love of the Father You can grow, dear one, You can grow. Watered by the spring of the Spirit His fruit you’ll show, His...Prayers & Poems (all) for June 2020
- Editor: The following prayers concerning the coronavirus outbreak are found on the Church of England website at: They are by Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference. If you use these, please acknowledge. Time of distress Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress. Sustain and support...Prayers & Poems (all) for May 2020
- The Changing The Mirror Easter Story Intercession God’s Word is Nourishment! Easter, our Marriage Ceremony ** The Changing Reflections of Mary (Mark 16:1-8) Our eyes seeing the same mountains, The gentle touching of our hands, Simply breathing the same air, Pleasures unrecognised till now, Gone…. In the changing. In the certainty of our grieving, You...Prayers and Poems (all) for April 2020
- Stone-throwing Prayer for help and healing Saul and David The Table Hunger for God ** Stone-throwing (John 8:1-11) A familiar scene … Crowds of people with strong views, clamouring, demanding their way, intolerant of others who made different mistakes, different choices. A raucous, intimidating, egocentric baying for action. A familiar scene… Where is the love?...Prayers and Poems (all) for March 2020
- Simeon Have Pity on Me Trumpets A Treasured Heart Love The Grace of God The Three protect thee The Leap Year ** Simeon (Luke 2:25-35) The waiting and the wondering are over, He is here, Revealed by the Spirit. By the Spirit filled and led I come, With my own arms to hold Him, With...Prayers & Poems (all) for February 2020
- Wise Men A prayer for Love God’s hands The Turning of the Year The Joys of January! Dedicating the ‘wild waves’ of 2020 to God – a Pilgrim’s Plea A waking prayer The Vision clear A prayer for humility ** Wise Men Once there were some wise men, They didn’t know the way, But they...Prayers & Poems (all) for January 2020
- Christmas A Christmas Prayer Christmas Message When God was born Who Knew? The Christmas Caterpillar Bethlehemian Rhapsody ** Christmas (John1:1-14) Fumbling around in a frenzy, From September stress levels rise, Dates collide, Imagination falters As presents and experiences fail to satisfy The expectations of a world that walks In the darkness of denial and Dawkins....Prayers & Poems (all) for December 2019
- (John1:1-14) Fumbling around in a frenzy, From September stress levels rise, Dates collide, Imagination falters As presents and experiences fail to satisfy The expectations of a world that walks In the darkness of denial and Dawkins. Yet all the time The light shines in that darkness, All the time The greatest gift shines...Christmas
- Lord, as I enter into the fast-paced season ahead, help me walk slowly and quietly. Let me stop and listen to the angels sing of the greatest news ever told. Let my heart, mind and soul join the chorus. “Glory in the Highest!! The Messiah has been born!” Among all the bright sparkling lights and...A Christmas Prayer
- Away in a manger the baby lay, No blankets or pillows – just some hay. Shepherds watching their flocks by night Angels appear midst blinding light. Wise men travelling from afar Following a guiding star, Herod filled with rage within Planning to kill this new born king. What can this mean for us today? Just...Christmas Message
- He came to that which was His own, but His own did not receive Him – John 1:11 God appeared one night; the world slept on. Infant flesh disguised the Holy One, announced by angels singing in the sky, ‘Peace on earth and praise to God on high’ but who turned up? Shepherds came,...When God was born