Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- Who saw the man and pregnant girl Pressing through the crowded street Struggling through the human swirl On tired legs and aching feet? Who knew? Who heard her cries, in labour’s pain Deep within a battered shed? Who cared for their impoverished shame Who thought about her grassy bed? Who knew? Who, listening to an...Who Knew?
- Sometimes, upon a Christmas day I wonder if there’s any way That Christmas might be quite a treat For those who have a few more feet! I really love my Christmas socks That fill, each year, my Christmas box O Santa, festive stocking filler, I wish I were a caterpillar! By Nigel BeetonThe Christmas Caterpillar
- And finally, if you enjoyed the song Bohemian Rhapsody, and would like the ‘Christmas version’, complete with singing puppets, do visit this on You Tube. It is from last year, but still well worth the visit! Rhapsody
- Christ the King We call this life? Peace When Darkness Comes The Insomniac Owl Guy Fawkes Night ** Editor: The last Sunday before Advent is the Sunday of Christ the King…. Christ the King (Luke 23:32-43) Scoffers at the Skull Place Pouring scorn On Christ the King. Criminals and soldiers mock As the shock of...Prayers & Poems (all) for November 2019
- (Luke 23:32-43) Scoffers at the Skull Place Pouring scorn On Christ the King. Criminals and soldiers mock As the shock of the nails Pierce and penetrate The hope of a people, On the whole, Far away, A people who don’t know about distance. But one far-off one Comes close, Reaches for the kingdom As he...Christ the King
- We call this life, that is life’s preparation; We call this life, a little time of tears; But thank you God for this designed creation, A few short years? By Douglas MallochWe call this life?
- On the eleventh day of the eleventh month The guns had ceased and peace had come, Another war with so much loss As brave men fought and victories won. We honour those who gave their lives And took up arms against the foe, Not knowing if they would return But faithful to the call to...Peace
- When darkness comes upon our lives And death’s black shadow clouds our eyes – Our Lord helps us, when news is grim, To fear not, and believe in Him. Yet sometimes, though we try to pray It seems He tarries on the way, Though faith grows weak, and vision dim, Still fear not, and...When Darkness Comes
- We owls, we work at night And sleep throughout the day, Our sleep is only light Because of others’ ways! Our hearing is acute We hear a mouse’s rustle What really does not suit Is all this rush and bustle. The cars that roar and beep The neighbour’s motor mower We poor old owls can’t...The Insomniac Owl
- Sharp sounds and bright illuminations Roaring fires and celebrations Incandescent constellations Multichrome disintegrations Festive fireworks and frivolity Jumping Jacks and all such jollity! But, pause between those stellar shows, Perhaps we might remember those Through centuries of”Christian” strife Have lived their faith, and paid their life. Remember too, before you’re done, That Jesus prayed we...Guy Fawkes Night
- Word-search A prayer for morning… and for evening Sunset and Sunrise Petition at Rising Heaven’s Messengers of Love I love to wander Love and protection We are rivers My Mobility Scooter ** Word-search (John 1:1, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 55:11, Hebrews 4:12) Life is a Word-search. Think John, chapter one. There will be distractions In the...Prayers and Poems (all) for October 2019
- (John 1:1, Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 55:11, Hebrews 4:12) Life is a Word-search. Think John, chapter one. There will be distractions In the search, Interesting groups of letters, Many in the wrong order. Some even making sense, In their own way. Sometimes all is confusion, A jumble. The temptation is to give up. It’s all too...Word-search