Viewing all items in Resource Category: Prayers and Poems
Prayers and poems from poets who range from clergy to radiologists to teachers.
- O God, who divides the day from the night, separate our deeds from the darkness of sin, and let us continually live in your light, reflecting in all that we do your eternal beauty. O God, who gives the day for work and the night for sleep, refresh our bodies and our minds through the...A prayer for morning… and for evening
- Sunsets and sunrise, rainbows and moonbeams, Waterfalls rushing, streams tumbling down, All of the planet teeming with life, A celestial ball in the sky spinning around. The whole of creation sings of God’s glory, The work of His fingers crafted with care, All intrinsically moving together A world of wonder without compare. But...Sunset and Sunrise
- Do we know them when we see them? Heaven’s messengers of love? Who are there just when we need them, Sent to help by God above. Those who help us just by staying, Those who sit and hold our hand, Those who hold us up by praying, Those who simply understand. When the seas of...Heaven’s Messengers of Love
- O holy Father of truth adored, O kindly Father of mercy poured, Deliver me from the spells that harm, Deliver me from each evil charm. Allow no stain to blemish my soul, Allow no spot to my body whole, Allow no taint my breath to defile, Father of tender and lovely smile. For...Petition at Rising
- I love to wander through the woodlands hoary, In the soft light of an autumnal day, When summer gathers up her robes of glory, And, like a dream of beauty, glides away. By Sarah Helen WhitmanI love to wander
- The love and affection of angels flying, The love and affection of saints undying, Heaven’s love and affection satisfying, O your guarding and cherishing let them be, Your so loving protection eternally. Ancient Celtic prayer for protectionLove and protection
- Lord, we are rivers running to thy sea, Our waves and ripples all derived from thee: A nothing we should have, a nothing be, Except for thee. From a prayer of Christina Rossetti 1830–1894, who was an invalid for most of her life, and also a prolific poet.We are rivers
- I love my little scooter It helps me get about It has a little hooter So I don’t need to shout; Though neither help the shocking State of paths, worse ev’ry day! And neither help unblocking The cars parked in my way. By Nigel BeetonMy Mobility Scooter
- Harvest Field Presence Veni Vidi Vici (He came, He saw, He conquered) Saint Michael O How Lovely The Robin Tear Here ** Harvest Field All around, confusion, All around, helplessness, People lost in the bad news of every day. Longing for purpose, Searching for security and significance Here in the white field of our generation....Prayers & Poems (all) for September 2019
- All around, confusion, All around, helplessness, People lost in the bad news of every day. Longing for purpose, Searching for security and significance Here in the white field of our generation. The harvest is still great, The workers are still few, But the Lord of the harvest Is the same Yesterday, today and forever,...Harvest Field
- Expecting Him, my door was open wide: Then I looked round If any lack of service might be found, And saw Him at my side: How entered, by what secret stair, I know not, knowing only He was there. By TE Brown (1830 -97)Presence
- He CAME from the Glory, the Holy One Down Heaven’s stairway to a bed of straw, From the realms of splendour and blazing light He left riches behind and for us became poor. He SAW His creation now spoilt and marred, But it was for this reason He came to earth, His great love...Veni Vidi Vici (He came, He saw, He conquered)