Viewing all items in Resource Category: Quotes
A selection of memorable quotes, seasonally themed. Quotes say a lot in a little space!
- Editor: looking forward through Lent to Palm Sunday and Easter … Good Friday, in a way…is not Good Friday at all. It is Black Friday – a very Black Friday. It is Good Friday only in the sense that we know Easter will follow. – J E Lantz He has outsoared the shadow of our...Quotes (all) for April 2022
- Editor: With Lent in mind, we offer quotes that focus on contemplation, prayer, and self-assessment. The need of the world is to listen to God. – Albert Einstein A religion that does not begin with repentance is certain to end there – perhaps too late. – Anon Time spent on the knees in prayer will...Quotes (all) for March 2022
- Editor: As we prepare for Lent, we consider the disciplines of contemplation, prayer, and self-assessment. The need of the world is to listen to God. – Albert Einstein A religion that does not begin with repentance is certain to end there, perhaps too late. – Anon You cannot starve a man who is feeding on...Quotes of the Month (all) for February 2022
- Bible verses of hope as a New Year begins Since Covid Don’t be afraid of loneliness Value your relationships Why care for the poor? Various reflections on God’s grace for the New Year Various reflections on daily life ** Bible verses of hope as a New Year begins You are a new creation: Therefore, if...Quotes of the month (all) for January 2022
- With the true meaning of Christmas in mind… God did not send Christ to us; God came to us in Christ. – Don Skinner The incarnation was a historical and unrepeatable event with permanent consequences. Reigning at God’s right hand today is the man Christ Jesus, still human as well as divine, though now His...Quotes (all) for December 2021
- November brings us All Saints and All Souls Day, when we remember those who have gone before us in the faith…. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. – Psalm 116:15 The Christian Church has the resurrection written all over it. – E G Robinson The Church is the...Quotes of the month (all) for November 2021
- Observations on our faith Don’t put a question mark where God puts a period. Are you wrinkled with burdens? Come to the church for a face-lift. WARNING: Exposure to the Son will prevent burning. Plan ahead — It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark. – Anon Though the Lord is out of sight, we...Quotes of the month (all) for October 2021
- Editor: with Back to Church Sunday this month… Local churches are to be thought of not as churches of individuals, but, primarily, churches of families. – Paul Helm There is no place for any loose stone in God’s edifice. – Joseph Hall The Lord God hath given us three principal signs and marks by which...Quotes (all) September 2021
- Miscellaneous observations on life as a Christian…. Miscellaneous observations on daily life… ** Miscellaneous observations on life as a Christian…. One day we stand to lose everything – except those qualities that have eternal value. – David Watson The weaker we feel, the harder we lean on God. And the harder we lean, the stronger...Quotes of the month (all) for August 2021
- With the Olympics and the idea of running a course in mind… There is a way of winning by losing, a way of victory in defeat which we are going to discover. – Laurens van der Post Thou, O God, dost sell us all good things at the price of labour. – Leonardo da Vinci...Quotes of the month (all) for July 2021
- Miscellaneous observations on our Christian faith With Father’s Day in mind: Miscellaneous musings on life ** Miscellaneous observations on our Christian faith Without God the world would be in a maze without a clue. – Woodrow Wilson Our ecological responsibility rests in our prior responsibility to obey our Creator. – R C Sproul The universe...Quotes of the month (all) for June 2021
- Editor: Rogation Sunday (9th May) is about asking for God’s protection and blessing on our endeavours. If your troubles are deep-seated or long-standing, try kneeling. – Anon Pure prayers have pure blessings. – Thomas Goodwin To spend an hour worrying on our knees is not prayer. Indeed, there are times when it is our duty,...Quotes (all) for May 2021