Viewing all items in Resource Category: Quotes
A selection of memorable quotes, seasonally themed. Quotes say a lot in a little space!
- With Holy Week and Easter in mind…. The following quote forms the entire text of a miniature book, which was hand-set and printed in 1963 by a Doris V Welsh, a former staff member of the Newberry Library in Chicago. No information about the book can be found in the essays and sermons of a...Quotes (all) for April 2021
- With Lent in mind St David and St Patrick In praise of Mothers Observations on the Christian Life Miscellaneous observations on daily life ** With Lent in mind Man, in his fallen nature, is a dissatisfied and frustrated rainbow-chaser. – Anon Whatever else is or is not true, this one thing is certain – man...Quotes (all) for March 2021
- Editor: Lent is a time for taking stock of oneself spiritually. It is a time for ‘walking in the wilderness’ in preparation for Easter. With this in mind, we offer: The devil wrestles with God, and the field of battle is the human heart. – Fyodor Dostoevski The fundamental deception of Satan is the lie...Quotes (all) for February
- Looking forward to 2021 Epiphany With the US Presidential inauguration in mind… Miscellaneous quotes on politics The financial crisis… Some tips for your year ahead… Memorable ** Looking forward to 2021 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delights in His way. – Psalm 37:23 In all your ways...Quotes (all) for January 2021
- With Christmas in mind… Believe in God and you’ll believe in miracles. Believe in the baby of Bethlehem, and you’ll experience one. – Anon It is no use saying that we are born 2000 years too late to give room to Christ… Christ is always with us, always asking for room in our hearts…. And...Quotes of the Month (all) for December 2020
- ** November brings us All Saints and All Souls day, when we remember those who have gone before us in the faith…. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. – Psalm 116:15 The Christian church has the resurrection written all over it. – E G Robinson The Church is...Quotes (all) for November 2020
- With Harvest in mind… With Bible Sunday ahead… With Bible Sunday ahead… With St Luke’s Day and healing in mind… Miscellaneous observations on our Christian pilgrimage Some miscellaneous observations on daily life and other people… ** With Harvest in mind… Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. – Psalm 95:2 Gratitude is the heart’s...Quotes (all) for October 2020
- Some observations out of the coronavirus crisis… Miscellaneous observations on our Christian walk… September also means Back to School… And finally, some miscellaneous observations on modern life: ** Editor: Some observations out of the coronavirus crisis… When you wear a tight mask around your face, a hat, a face shield, a gown, two pairs of...Quotes for September 2020
- Musings on Coronavirus Musings on our Christian faith Musings on modern life ** Musings on Coronavirus This crisis has in many ways made us more grateful for each other and … it has shown people at their best – volunteering, helping neighbours, protecting those at greatest risk, pulling together as communities to support one another....Quotes (all) for August 2020
- Miscellaneous thoughts on our Christian pilgrimage Miscellaneous thoughts on daily life ** Miscellaneous thoughts on our Christian pilgrimage There is no greater discovery than seeing God as the author of your destiny. – Ravi Zacharias God can do wonders with a broken heart if you give Him all the pieces. – Victor Alfsen Most of...Quotes (all) for July 2020
- Editor: with coronavirus in mind “God is present in the midst of all the chaos that surrounds us.”- Henri Nouwen “I think one of the big effects is there’s a renewal of the sense that we all belong to Christ… I’ve been deeply moved by the services I’ve participated in; they’ve reached out in a...Quotes (all) for June 2020
- Editor: 21st May is Ascension Day… Christ’s ascension into heaven was the real commencement of His reign. – John Calvin Astronauts sink into insignificance beside this ascension! – Vance Havner ** Editor: 31st May is Pentecost – the birthday of the Christian Church Only Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit can open blind eyes, give...Quotes for May (all) 2020