Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- China’s Oasis – Love, hope, and opportunity for the hidden children of China By Richard Harris and David Gotts, Monarch, £8.99 Here is an inspiring tale of love, hope, and opportunity for China’s abandoned children. At the tender age of 22, David Gotts was shocked by the condition of the children at a Chinese welfare...China’s Oasis – Love, hope, and opportunity for the hidden children
- The Character of Virtue – letters to a Godchild By Stanley Hauerwas, Canterbury Press, £16.99 Stanley Hauerwas is one of today’s greatest theologians, but like many of us, he is also a godparent. In this very special collection he invites us to share in fifteen letters which he sent to his godson, Laurence Wells. Each...The Character of Virtue – letters to a Godchild
- – four movements of spiritual growth By Christopher Chapman, Canterbury Press, £18.99 This resource for spiritual directors explores how we can cooperate with God in our own spiritual growth. Using biblical imagery of the natural world, Christopher Chapman explores four recurring patterns of spiritual development: Rooted and Grounded: finding stability through prayer and humility; Emergence:...Earthed in God
- When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend – Reflections On Life And Ministry With Depression By Mark Meynell, IVP, £9.99 In this profound, unusual, and very personal book, Mark Meynell reflects on living with the painful thorn in the flesh of a vulnerability to depression and how that has affected his view of himself and the...When Darkness Seems My Closest Friend
- Journey: The Way of the Disciple By Richard Littledale, Authentic, £9.99 An accessible and thought-provoking devotional look at the nature of discipleship through the lens of pilgrimage. What do we learn about God whilst on the move which could not be learnt whilst stationary? From Abraham, Moses, Ruth to Jesus himself and the apostle Paul, the Bible...Journey: The Way of the Disciple
- By Ali Campbell, Authentic, £6.99 Follow Me is a collection of 40 lively devotions looking at the disciple Peter. Ali Campbell considers the highs and lows of Peter’s life and his relationship with Jesus, and how we can relate to Peter today. Each devotion begins with a Gospel reading, followed by a reflection, then a question...Follow Me!
- A Franciscan Way of Life: Brother Ramon’s quest for holiness By Arthur Howells, BRF, £8.99 Gregarious hermit, evangelical Franciscan, Baptist minister, Anglican priest, pacifist, nurse and writer, Brother Ramon was unique. Now, nearly 20 years after his untimely death, his friend Arthur Howells has written A Franciscan Way of Life to tell his story and...A Franciscan Way of Life: Brother Ramon’s quest for holiness
- Faith in the Making – Praying it, talking it and living it Inside Fatherhood – Today’s fathers tell their stories Long Story Short – Finding Your Place in God’s Unfolding Story When God was King – Rebels & Radicals of the Civil War & Mayflower Generation The Journey Begins – Adventures through the Bible with...Book Reviews June 2018 (all articles)
- When God was King – Rebels & Radicals of the Civil War & Mayflower Generation By Martyn Whittock, LionHudson, £9.99 Islam is not the only religion that has sought political power, or believed that it should be possible to create a theocracy. In the 17th century, Christians in the British Isles and North America attempted...When God was King – Rebels & Radicals of the Civil War & Mayflower Generation
- Long Story Short – Finding Your Place in God’s Unfolding Story By Andy Frost, SPCK, £7.99 ‘The universe is made of stories not of atoms,’ said American poet Muriel Rukeyser. Whether you agree with this sentiment or not, the fact is: your life tells a story. From beginning to end, your life will create a...Long Story Short – Finding Your Place in God’s Unfolding Story
- Inside Fatherhood – Today’s fathers tell their stories By David Atkinson, with reflections by Mark Chester, BRF £6.99 What does fatherhood look like today? As we prepare to celebrate Father’s Day later this June, ten fathers tell their moving, real-life stories: from stepdad to absent dad, through widowed, adoptive and midlife dad, to losing-it and...Inside Fatherhood – Today’s fathers tell their stories
- Faith in the Making – Praying it, talking it and living it By Lyndall Bywater, BRF, £7.99 Lyndall Bywater’s new book on biblical heroes pulsates with energy and the best kind of conviction: warm, wise, self-aware and compassionate. Rooted in her own story, with all its challenges and joys, as well as some crushing disappointments,...Faith in the Making – Praying it, talking it and living it