Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- The Journey Begins – Adventures through the Bible with Caravan Bear and friends By Avril Rowlands, Lion Children, £6.99 “Christopher Rabbit stared at the parcel. Someone had sent him a present! He tore open the wrapping and inside was a book with the words “The Bible” on the cover… with a label “Read Me”. As...The Journey Begins – Adventures through the Bible with Caravan Bear and friends
- Brave – showing courage in all seasons of life Defenders of the Faith – standing for truth when attacks come Baptism – its purpose, practice and power For Good – the Church and the future of Welfare The ISIS Caliphate – from Syria to the doorsteps of India Reimagining Britain – foundations for Hope Vibrant...Latest book reviews
- By Ian Adams, Canterbury Press, £8.99 Here is a gentle yet profound guide to seeing the world in the power of the Resurrection. Ian Adams draws on the Gospel stories of the resurrection of Jesus to create 40 ‘invitations’, each one offering a path for the Resurrection to reshape how we live. They challenge us...Breathing Deep – life in the Spirit of Easter
- By Tony Horsfall, BRF, £3.99 Infused with wisdom, compassion and a generous sharing of personal experience, these readings show how the disorientation that so often mark this time of transition can lead to a renewed sense of purpose and vocation, and an ever-deeper confidence in God. Midlife is an opportunity to make peace with our...Facing Midlife – Bible readings for special times
- By Anne le Tissier, BRF, £7.99 Many young Christian women, despite their faith, still struggle with low self-esteem, eating disorders and general unhappiness. Social media, ‘selfie’ culture, economic uncertainty and the relentless pressure to look a certain way can all take their toll on even the most resilient. For the insecure and vulnerable, the pressures...The Mirror that Speaks Back – looking at, listening to and reflecting your worth in Jesus
- By Harriet and Donald Mowat, BRF, £8.99 Here is a Christian perspective on ageing, developed within the UK’s health and social care services over the past 40 years. Addressing profound and critical questions – What is ageing for? Is old age included in the purposes of God? What does ‘successful’ ageing look like? – the...The Freedom of Years – ageing in perspective
- Reviews Breathing Deep – life in the Spirit of Easter Facing Midlife – Bible readings for special times The Freedom of Years – ageing in perspective The Mirror that Speaks Back – looking at, listening to and reflecting your worth in Jesus Depressive Illness – the Curse of the Strong Dream of You – Let...Reviews (all) for April 2018
- Holy Habits – missional discipleship resources for churches Eat, Pray, Tell – a relational approach to 21st century mission Interpreting Dreams and Visions – a practical guide for using them Love, Remember – 40 poems of loss, lament and hope Paul: A Biography Divine Sparks – Everyday Encounters With God’s Incoming Kingdom ** Holy Habits...Reviews (all) for March 2018
- The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2018 Say it to God – In Search of Prayer By Luigi Gioia, Bloomsbury £9.99 Luigi Gioia provides a welcome encouragement to all those who feel the need to freshen their practice of prayer. For Gioia, prayer is not about methods or techniques, but trusting that God is truly...Reviews (all) for February 2018
- Bible Reading Notes – why bother? Paul and his Friends in Leadership – How they changed the world Seasoned by Seasons – Flourishing in life’s experiences Paul, Man on a Mission – The Life and Letters of an Adventurer for Jesus Determined to Believe? – the Sovereignty of God, Freedom, Faith, and Human This is...Reviews (all) for January 2018
- Reviews #GodWithUs Various authors, Church House Publishing, various prices (single, £1.50; pack of 10, £12.50; pack of 50 £55) God With Us is a short, colourful booklet for Christmas that explores the Christian faith. It offers 13 simple reflections that unpack the constant refrain of Christmas readings and carols – that God is with us. ...Reviews (all) for December 2017
- Reviews Under the Thorn Tree: when Revival comes The Recovery of Joy Writes of the Church Does The Bible Really Say That? Forgotten Bible Stories Grace of Waiting Breathing Under Water Under the Thorn Tree: when Revival comes by Richard Bewes, Christian Focus, £9.99 This is a heart-warming book of stories of...Reviews (all) for November 2017