Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- Editor: We have featured mainly Lent books this month, to give your readers time to choose one before Lent begins on 17th February. Living His Story – Revealing the Extraordinary Love of God in Ordinary Ways Rooted in Love – Lent Reflections on Life in Christ Opening our Lives – Devotional Readings for Lent The...Reviews (all) for January 2021
- – revealing the extraordinary love of God in ordinary ways By Hannah Steele, SPCK, £7.99 This, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book for 2021, explores evangelism as a way of sharing God’s love with people. How can we convey the love of God to our neighbours in a post-Christian world that has largely forgotten the...Living His Story
- – Lent Reflections on Life in Christ By Sarah Mullally, SPCK, £7.99 This is the first Lent book from the Bishop of London, and it explores the ways in which we can live the Christian life to the full today. The forty reflections will help you to go deeper into the meaning and practice of...Rooted in Love
- – Devotional Readings for Lent By Trystan Owain Hughes, BRF, £8.99 This is the BRF Lent book for 2021. Lent is not about giving up or taking up, but a radical opening up: the opening up of our lives to God’s transformative kingdom. Lent is not about giving up or taking up, but a radical...Opening our Lives
- – a Lenten Journey from Adversity to Maturity By Justine Allain Chapman, SPCK, £9.99 Is it possible to respond to the adversities of life by becoming stronger, wiser and more loving? The art of kintsugi (‘repairing with gold’) not only restores cracked objects but makes them even more beautiful than before. Alone on an 8-day retreat...The Resilient Disciple
- – a Prayer Journey through Lent By Sheila Upjohn, SPCK, £7.99 Sheila Upjohn explores the ‘Revelations of Divine Love’ alongside passages from Scripture. She reveals how Julian’s fresh perspectives on sin and judgement, anger and forgiveness, the Incarnation and the crucifixion can challenge and enlighten us, six hundred years later, in a world so badly...The Way of Julian of Norwich
- By John Prockter, Monarch, £8.99 Framed around 12 real-life sticking points in John Prockter’s life, this book offers us hope in a faithful God and a pathway through difficult times. John encourages us to engage with Scripture in a new and inspiring way, allowing Jesus to bring the freedom we all need to live our...Stuck in the Mud – Stories of Hope when You’re Stuck
- By Patrick Regan OBE, Monarch, £9.99 What do you do when life falls apart, and it feels as if God has left you? How do you keep going when your faith is rocked to the core? Sometimes things get so hard we’re not sure where God is – or what He’s up to. For Patrick there...When Faith Gets Shaken
- Editor: This month we have included a number of books for children, to help them understand the real meaning of Christmas. ** Comfort and Joy – Nine Lessons and Carols for Christmas By John Kiddie, CHP (80p single copy; pack of 10, £7; pack of 50, £30)...Reviews for December 2020 (all)
- By John Kiddie, CHP (80p single copy; pack of 10, £7; pack of 50, £30) Churches all over the country will be marking Advent and Christmas in both new and familiar ways this year. ‘Comfort and Joy’, the Church of England’s 2020 Christmas campaign, will help enrich your Christmas It features daily reflections for the...Comfort and Joy – Nine Lessons and Carols for Christmas
- By Tom Parsons, 10Publishing, £3.99 You will conceive and give birth to a son … And there were shepherds living out in the fields near by … You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke’s opening chapters ring with the familiar well-loved lines that herald the warm solemnity of...The Radiant Dawn – Luke 1-2 for Advent
- By Asia Bibi, Authentic, £9.99 Here is the remarkable story of the woman who refused to renounce her faith and unwittingly became the global symbol of the fight against religious extremism. After drinking water from the same glass as a Muslim woman, Asia Bibi, a Christian, was sentenced to hang by the Islamic Republic of...Free at Last