Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- – Crises, faith and resilience By Roger Abbott and Robert White FRS, Monarch, £9.99 The world’s natural disasters are increasingly impacting upon our lives. This book explores how we might respond practically and faithfully to such tragedies. The perspectives of survivors, responders, and academics are brought together, providing a multi-layered and compassionate examination of a...What Good is God?
- By Bob Hartman, Lion Children, £7.99 This would good for children. It will help them understand “how you are created by God through the clever set of instructions, DNA, and how this connects you with the big family of living things through God’s imaginative and creative plan.” The children will learn about the passing on...Where Do I Come From?
- – on Identity, Humanhood and Hope By Amanda Khozi Mukwashi, SPCK, £5.99 This book about identity comes from CEO of Christian Aid, Amanda Khozi Mukwashi. She shares her experience of life as a Christian black woman with Zambian heritage, born and living in the UK. She explores issues of race and culture and how it...But Where Are You Really From?
- – my Life as a Cop By Leroy Logan, SPCK, £12.99 This book tells of an illustrious career, giving a behind the scenes look at the workings of the Metropolitan Police. One of the founder members of the Black Police Association Charitable Trust, Leroy Logan has had first-hand experience of race relations in modern-day Britain, and...Closing Ranks
- – Walking Through Advent with R S Thomas By Carys Walsh, Canterbury Press, £12.99 With the season of Advent, the coming of Christ is imminent. It is a season of preparation and hope for the arrival of God-with-us in the Incarnation. R.S. Thomas, a poet of waiting and anticipation, can be a profound guide for...Frequencies of God
- – a Daily Advent Devotional By Paul David Tripp, Crossway/10ofThose, £4.99 Every time the Christmas season comes around, we look forward to putting up a tree, giving and receiving gifts, and participating in other traditions that make this wonderful time of year so special. But sometimes the most significant aspect of the season—focusing on the...Come Let Us Adore Him
- – Daily Advent Readings from The Gospel of John By Tim Chester, The Good Book Company/10ofThose, £4.24 We may be familiar with the baby in the manger, but have you met the Word who was in the beginning with God? Have you met the One True Light who is full of grace and truth? Or...One True Light
- – Pilgrimage Principles for Everyday life By Sally Welch, BRF, £8.99 Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, Sally Welch explores how we can understand this biblical principle and make it our own. This book is divided into sections of a journey, beginning with the preparations necessary before setting out, exploring the obstacles which might be put...Journey to Contentment
- What’s in the Bible (for me)? – 50 readings and reflections Through the Year with the Pilgrim Fathers – 365 daily readings Though I run through the Valley Joseph – a story of Resilience Radical Gratitude – recalibrating your heart That Hideous Strength – a deeper look at how the West was lost Parenting as...Reviews (all) for October 2020
- By Lucy Moore, BRF, £4.99 Lucy Moore’s pocket-sized guide to the Bible takes readers on an epic journey through 4,000 years of history. Spanning Old and New Testaments from Genesis to Revelation in 50 bite-sized readings, the founder and leader of Messy Church writes for families and individuals who are new to the Bible: its...What’s in the Bible (for me)? – 50 readings and reflections
- By Stephen Poxon, Lion Hudson, £12.99 The year 2020 witnesses the 400th anniversary of the voyage made by the Pilgrim Fathers, who sailed from England to America on board the Mayflower. This epic excursion signalled one of the most significant episodes in Christian history, making as it did an enormous impact on the trajectory of...Through the Year with the Pilgrim Fathers – 365 daily readings
- By Pamela Johnson, Authentic, £9.99 At a time of ethnic cleansing and military dictatorship, being a Christian in predominantly Buddhist Myanmar brought huge risks and danger. Yet despite persecution, one family chose to use the weapon of love to combat evil. ‘Though I Run Through the Valley’ tells the incredible story of three generations of...Though I run through the Valley