Viewing all items in Resource Category: Smile Lines
A selection of jokes and humour to ‘lift’ your magazine, and make your readers smile
- ** Good Friday I was standing in line at the bank when there was a commotion at the counter. A woman was very distressed, exclaiming, “Where will I put my money?! I have all my money and my mortgage here!! What will happen to my mortgage?! You can’t do this to us!” It turned out...Smile-Lines (all) for April 2025
- ** Snoring A clergyman consulted his doctor about his wife’s snoring. “It has to STOP,” he insisted. The doctor was intrigued: “Does it really bother you that much?” “Well, it’s not just me,” confided the minister. “She is bothering the whole congregation.” ** Beware of these contagious diseases in church Frontophobia: A morbid fear of...Smile Lines
- Hearing A tiny lady was the guest preacher. A few minutes into her sermon, she paused and said: “Can you all hear me at the back?” A kind voice replied: “We can hear you fine. But sadly, we can’t quite see you.” ** Church service An auntie took her very young niece to church. When...Smile Lines
- ** Moses revisited Young Joseph was asked what he had learned in Sunday school. “Well, Mum, God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When Moses got to the Red Sea, his engineers built a pontoon bridge, and all the people walked across it safely. Then...Smile Lines (all) for January 2025
- What would you like for Christmas? What do you get Dad? Church rules Mother in a storm Christmas gifts Christmas shopping Christmas carols Father Christmas The Everlasting Turkey ** What would you like for Christmas? A little girl visited Father Christmas in the local garden centre grotto. He welcomed her with a smile and asked...Smiles Lines (all) for December 2024
- ** Died in the services Little Alex was staring up at the large brass plaque that hung on the side wall of the church. The plaque was covered with names, and seemed to fascinate the seven-year-old. “All those names,” he said to the minister. “Who are they?” “Well, they were people who used to go to...Smile Lines (all)
- ** Halloween costumes My six-year-old son was excited about choosing his Halloween costume. “I’m going to be the Pope,” he announced proudly. “But Ian, you can’t be the Pope. You’re not Catholic,” I explained. “You’re Church of England.” My son was silent for a few moments, while he considered his alternatives. “Well, is Dracula Church...Smile Lines
- ** Visit A bishop visited a primary school in his full episcopal attire – with his mitre, robes and bishop’s crook or crozier. A little lad’s mother asked him later what he had thought of the bishop’s visit to his school. The little boy replied: “It was great – now I know what a real...Smile Lines Sep24
- Editor: We thank Phil Mason’s Christians Crackers (3) for the following stories… Game rules During the local football game, the coach asked one of his young players: “Do you understand what cooperation is?” The little boy nodded yes. “Do you understand that what matters is winning together as a team?” The little boy nodded yes....Smile Lines
- Those church bulletin notices that went wrong somewhere…. ~ This Sunday morning following services we will have our monthly feelowship. ~ This blooper showed up on the main page of the Internet web site for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada: “In a show of near anonymity, the convention approved full communion with the Anglican...Smile Lines
- Techie trouble The vicar at our local church experienced some technical problems with the sound system one Sunday. Instead of starting the service as usual with ‘The Lord be with you’, he said: “There’s something wrong with the microphone.” Not hearing this, the congregation responded: “And also with you.” ** With Petertide ordinations in mind…...Smile Lines for June
- ** Children’s exam papers The following real-life answers to various exam papers explain why teachers need long holidays… What is a nitrate? – Cheaper than a day rate. What was Sir Walter Raleigh famous for? – He is a noted figure in history because he invented cigarettes and started a craze for bicycles. What did...Smile Lines (all) for May 2024