Viewing all items in Resource Category: Smile Lines
A selection of jokes and humour to ‘lift’ your magazine, and make your readers smile
- Smile lines ** Editor: with Valentine’s Day in mind… Oops! Memory is what tells a man his wedding anniversary was yesterday. ** Listen My wife says I never listen, or something like that… ** Insanity Doctor: ‘Has there been any insanity in your family?’ Woman: ‘I’m afraid so. My husband sometimes thinks he’s the boss.’...Smile Lines (all) for February 2018
- Smile Lines Overheard on the wise men’s journey to Bethlehem “OK, we got the gold. We got the frankincense. We got the myrrh. Think we should also get something more practical, like nappies, maybe?” “I thought this was supposed to be a weekend trip… my wife is going to be furious.” “All this star-gazing from...Smile Lines (all) for January 2018
- Smile-lines Christmas cards The name of God…. Camels Paying for it Warning Christmas presents Virgin mother Where’s the baby? Red Prompting Angels, explained by children Turkey Christmas pageant Turkey says Christmas turkey Wiped out If you are travelling this Christmas, look out… Facebook Why Bethlehem? Christmas all year ** Christmas cards A friend of...Smile Lines (all) for December 2017
- Smiles Those amazing Children of Israel In Sunday School one morning young Joseph raised his hand and proceeded to ask a question that had perplexed him for some time. ‘There’s something I can’t figure out. According to the Bible, the Children of Israel crossed the Red Sea, right?’ ‘Right,’ said his teacher. ‘And the...Smile Lines (all) for November 2017
- Download all articles in this category for this month in one fileSmile Lines (all) for October 2017
- Smile Lines (all) for September 2017
- Here you will find all the humour for this month.Smile Lines (all) for August 2017
- Here you can download all the humour for this month.Smile Lines (all) for July 2017
- Here you can download all the humour for this month.Smile Lines (all) for June 2017
- Smile Lines (all) for May 2017
- Smile Lines (all) for April 2017
- Smile Lines (all) for March 2017