Viewing all items in Resource Category: St James The Least of All
The elderly Anglo-Catholic vicar, Eustace, continues his correspondence to Darren, his nephew, a low-church curate recently ordained…
- The Rectory St. James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren Thank you for inviting me to speak at your church council yesterday. I began to suspect that my theme of why Eusebius’s dislike of Sabellianism led to his condemnation at the Council of Antioch in 324 was a little misjudged, when the only...On the best way to run a church council meeting
- The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren So, your vicar has introduced staff appraisal for all the officers who work for your church, including yourself. It seems a very dangerous innovation; as far as I am concerned, ministry is only successful when parishioners have no idea what the clergy get...On how to deflect those staff appraisals
- The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren I appreciated your recent concern when you heard one of our parishioners had slipped on a gravestone. Your desire to help was entirely commendable, and I do know that sending your own church’s health and safety officer to give us some advice...On why our church does not need health or safety…
- The Rectory St James the Least My dear Nephew Darren You may have had several years of intensive training on biblical interpretation, preaching and church history, but that doesn’t cover the really important matters in parish life: how to evade disgruntled parishioners, run a brisk Summer Fete and, in your case at present, deal with...On how to deal with your church’s correspondence
- The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren I am sorry I was not alive during that wonderful four-year period when Oliver Cromwell abolished Christmas; no Christmas parties, no carol services, no cards to send and no frantic last-minute shopping. That man was a hero. Planning for Christmas at St James’...On the best ways for a vicar to disrupt Christmas
- The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren Your suggestion that we should hold a sponsored hymn-singing bicycle ride through the village as a way of raising money was well-meant, but I am not wholly convinced it would suit our clientele here at St James the Least of All. You may...On the ferocity of the church’s Bridge drive
- The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren I am unsurprised that the cleaning lady took exception to you dismantling your motorbike in the church vestry. Clergy vestries are the final repositories of rotting hymn books, ancient cassocks with a certain aroma, buckets with holes in, which are kept “just in...Beware what lurks in the church vestry…
- The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren I think your idea for both our Confirmation groups getting together for a weekend away – socially distanced, of course – was excellent and our meeting last week drew most of the plans together. We didn’t take any minutes, so let me record...On how to survive a weekend away with the young people
- The Rectory St James the Least My dear Nephew Darren When the churches reopen for public worship (whenever that is!) I hope you will come and take Evensong one Sunday. But, thinking of your visit last August, I would prefer you used the pulpit when preaching. How could Colonel Brockle complete ‘The Times’ crossword and...On the perils of leaving the pulpit
- The Rectory St James the Least My dear Nephew Darren When producing material for your magazine or church services, beware the computer spell-checker. We once let our own system check a Christmas carol sheet and, on the night, found ourselves obliged to sing “away in a manager”, mangers apparently being unknown to our machine. If...Beware the spell-checker on your special service sheets!
- The Rectory St James the Least My dear Nephew Darren Your decision to hold a Summer weekend Arts Festival in church, bringing culture to your inner-city streets, was most commendable. Pity, how it all turned out. The Friday evening started well with the concert of Scott Joplin piano music. Obviously knowing that the pieces were...On why holding an Arts Festival in church is not a good idea
- The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren It seems that the basics of parish ministry are no longer taught in theological colleges. Don’t you know anything about consulting your diary in public? When you are asked if you are free on a certain date, accepted practice is to open it...On the perils of a Scout camp