
See what our users say about us!

  • I have used your site for years and could not do without it!  Thank you for all that you provide.
    Susie, Glasgow
  • Wishing you and the Parish Pump team a very happy 20th Birthday from all in the Takeley and Little Canfield parish and community, Essex! Keep up the good work – the Parish Pump is such a help and inspiration to me every month as I produce our magazine. Blessings to you all,
    Peter, Takeley and Little Canfield
  • Thank you Parish Pump for all your helpful illustrations and items over the years. It is a great help in making our magazines more attractive and readable, Happy Anniversary!
    Joy, Hagbourne
  • I just wanted to say a big thank you, to you all, for making my job, as magazine compiler, so much easier. I often thank the member of my church who pays for this, but I don't think that perhaps you get many thanks? Your articles are a life saver, (and time saver),for me, in that I can include so many different articles in our mag. I love the diversity of them and our congregation particularly likes all the funny items. So, many thanks and may you carry on for as long as I have to compile my mag!
    Elizabeth , York
  • Having read your Thank You to us, I feel I must say Thank you to you!! I have been using your site since I took over editing our magazine in 2000. I couldn't have managed without it & certainly wouldn't still be doing it if there had been no Parish Pump!!! THANK YOU TO YOU ALL.
    Liz, Aune Valley, Devon
  • Hello! I just wanted to express my appreciation for all the thought and hard work that you and your colleagues put into the website. It is indeed a real boon to us poor editors!
    Anne, Blackburn
  • I love the updated website and as I've said in the past I really don't know how anyone could produce a Parish Magazine without Parish Pump and I have encouraged several other editors over the years to join. Been a member I think from almost the beginning and it continues to get better and better and is more than well worth the annual subscription. I absolutely totally love it and look forward to the start of each month when I can see what goodies you have in store for everyone. Please keep up the amazing work as we would be lost without you and your team. Best wishes lots of love. Karen
    Karen, Chester
  • I would like to say thank you - you've made my life so much easier. We have just begun yet another Interregnum so no 'Rector's Letter' for the Parish Magazine forthcoming! It's therefore great to be able to download something suitable from 'Looking at God' to use as 'The Rector's Letter'. Thank you. Parish Pump is a life saver for me and no doubt many magazine editors. Marion Simpson - Leicestershire.
    Marion Simpson, Leicestershire
  • I regret to say the time has come (I'm in my late 80's) when after more than 14 years compiling, printing and distributing my parish magazine, I need a rest. I have found the Parish Pump invaluable as a source of information. I considered Parish Pump as my lifeline and I am most grateful to Anne for its introduction and all excellent contributors. Thank you so very much. The material used has always been well received by my readers. Once again, thank you Anne and all your copy providers, I will always remember The Parish Pump.
    Gordon, Manchester
  • Your site is an invaluable source of relevant articles and whilst I try to give the magazine a local flavour, it's good to have national and international insights, too, which I can find on Parish Pump.
    Clare , Hereford
  • I have received so many thanks for the articles and poems that I must pass that back to you and on to those writing for Parish Pump. It is not just that they are enjoyed but bring comfort, stimulation of faith and encouragement. Personally I really also enjoy the graphics as they help with the articles and poems and help 'break up' the page. I am so grateful for the front page colour pictures as it is so important for the magazine to be attractive with an appropriate picture. God bless you all throughout 2019.
    Dorothy, Kendal
  • I just visited your new site and it looks great - so much colour, and so easy to find things.  Thank you!
    Gary Smith, Lancashire
  • Hi... this is an invaluable resource for Church Magazines. Thank you so much for the work and inspiration you provide. Editor of Heartbeat Holy Ascension Upton by Chester
    Sharon Forsdyke, Chester, UK
  • A friend introduced me to Parish Pump last year and as a result our Church magazine has improved by leaps and bounds. Thank you.
    Alan Watson, Blyth - Northumberland, England
  • We are so pleased to have found Parish Pump. Just starting out as editors of our Church Magazine we have found it invaluable and will most definitely be subscribing. Our magazine has been around for some time and it desperately needed revitalising and Parish Pump has shown us the way forward.
    JoBob, Maldon, Essex, England
  • Thank you so much for your valuable help. Our magazine has received some great feedback in recent times, both from our own parish and further afield. I used to have such a problem filling the pages when contributors were late, or otherwise absent! Blessings, Judy
    Judy McCarthy, Pencoed, Bridgend, Wales
  • Very pleased to renew my subscription. I find the site invaluable. Ours is a church magazine but for the whole parish. We have news from School, Parish Council, Sports and Garden Club and events from both the village and the other villages in our Benefice. Even the recipe pages seem to have a following. The cartoons and smile lines appeal to many of our non-church goers, shows them that we are not just a bunch of old fuddy duddies. I always try to incorporate the mice illustrations as I hope that children will notice and get to the Mousepage. On the very few occasions that I've received no leader from the Rector or the Ministry team, the 'God Slot' can be very adequatly filled from Looking at God. So thanks Parish Pump, carry on the good work Jane
    Jane Tapping, Okeford Fitzpaine, UK
  • PP material has seen our magazine through a 2-year vacancy when no clergy article was available and has provided really interesting copy. However, the most popular article has been St James the Least of All - probably the only thing some people have bothered to read!! It will be sadly missed and I hope that something equally interesting will takes its place in due course.
    Sheila Newton, Edmundbyers, UK
  • Im starting our parish magazine and parish pump has been the best in helping us develop the magazine
  • I have been the editor of the parish magazine of St Augustine's C of E Church, Gillingham, Kent, for just over five years. The previous editor gave me the log in details for her Parish Pump account, and what a blessing that turned out to be. My daughter is now joint editor and we are still using PP on a monthly basis for puzzles and cartoons, and in those times when local content is in short supply, for editorial items. I would recommend Parish Pump to any editor, new or old, as a valuable resource that is simply a must have.
    Paul Underhill, Gillingham, United Kingdom
  • Hello Folks Have just renewed my subscription for another year, and very glad to do so. Although The Fippenny News is a church magazine it has always been for the whole parish and is supported by the Parish Council etc. I must say that without Parish Pump it would not be half so easy to produce each month. If I stopped Uncle Eustace I think there would be a riot. Often find my self with a half page to fill at the deadline and there is always something appropriate on P.P. Thank you!! Love the graphics too. Suitable artwork lifts a page and hopefully encourages folk to read the whole thing. Please keep up the good work. Jane
    Jane Tapping, Okeford Fitzpaine, UK
  • I have been editor of our church (St James Anglican Church, Kingscliff NSW) magazine called "The Grapevine" for four years. I took over the magazine from another parishioner whose health was failing and she immediately put me in touch with the parish pump site. Where would I be without it. I was all at sea to begin with, but the parish pump site stopped my boat rocking and sent me off in the right direction. I have been using it as one of my main resources ever since. Thanks heaps guys!
    Leonie Cashman, Tweed Heads South, NSW, Australia
  • Thank you very much for your help, particularly the new format of the children's page, which can now be formatted. The harvest front cover for September is splendid. Keep up the good work!
    Tony Bartlett, Great Corby, Carlisle, England
  • I get quite a few compliments now thanks to Parish Pump - it really has lightened my load!
    Rachael Black, York, UK
  • We ahve been using the new coloured cover pictures for the last few newsletters and they have been very well received. All the comments have been positive. We have now started producing another newsletter for a Church in Wales that we attend as well as our original for the Methodist Church and they have chosen to have the coloured front even thought the production costs are higher. Thanks for these covers and please continue with them. We have been using the website for a number of years and have appreciated the material. We think that it has improved considerably and is now so easy to use and has so much material to choose from.
    Peter Stay, Lampeter, Wales
  • Hello again Anne & Team - it's great to have the archives back. Thank you.
    Cheryl, Surbiton, England
  • I was very pleased, when I logged on this morning 1st August, to see that the editorial for September was already there waiting for me. Brilliant. Thank you very much indeed.
    Shirley Garlick, Leicester, UK
  • Parish Pump is a fab website! I dont know what I would do without it! I have used it for a couple of years now and find it really helpfull. Thankyou 🙂
    Helen, Preston, Lancashire
  • Just a quick note to say Thank You for all the work you do on the website. Our magazine would be a sorrier one without you!
    Barbara Irwin, Dalton in Furness, England
  • The magazine has had a new lease of life since I started using Parish Pump. We are even being complimented on it!
    Pauline, Crook, Co Durham, UK
  • For my sins I have edited St. Hilda's Newsletters, pew-sheets, now renamed NEWS4PEWS, for 20 years. What would I have done without Parish Pump.
    Such a wealth of up-to-date material to satisfy all. The range from humour to the deadly (sic) serious is a boon to poor editors who strive to offer variety. Worth every penny.
    John Bird, Bilsborrow, Lancashire, UK
  • I have just taken over producing our monthly church Bulletin as our Rector is retiring. I have found the content contained in the Editorial section VERY useful. Have had a bit of trouble with cartoons, but seem unable to open the puzzle section at all.
    Steve Dawe, Tewkesbury, England
  • What a wonderful resource! We love the colour front covers - these have really given a lift to our parish magazine. Since we started using Parish Pump we've had many favourable comments from our readers. We use some of the editorial and graphics each month. Without this, we would struggle to offer a varied and interesting magazine.
    Jessica , London, UK
  • I try to put out a 32 page magazine each month for 10 months. What would I do without Parish Pump ? (Quit the post as editor I think !) P P - what a brilliant website, worth every penny. Thank You. F C Corbett (Mr)
    Frederick Corbett, Wolverhampton, UK
  • I have been using Parish Pump for many years, as did the previous editor. I have found it invaluable when producing the monthly Parish News. We have a print of 600+ and distribute to 5 local villages.
    Thank you Parish Pump.
    Dorothy Lodge, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk, UK
  • Well Done to all the Parish Pump Team! Our magazine has been so much more interesting this past year with your help. Keep up the good work
    Veronica Bales, Ipswich, UK
  • The magazine has had a new lease of life since I started using Parish Pump. We are even being complimented on it!
    Pauline Crook, Co Durham, UK
  • Just had to let you know what a great help you are each and every month! Our magazine would be much duller each month without Parish Pump!
    Lynda Worthington, Aberdeen, Scotland
  • I have used thie website happily for years , always finding a good balance of thought-provoking, spiritual, reflective and light-hearted material. i ran the article on Same-sex marriage, feeling it was a contemporary issue which needed thought. It has generated more correspondance than anthing else in 8 years - largely aggressive condemnation of bias, unfairness etc. I've been asked to run a piece giving the opposing view. Can any other editors help?
    Rita Butterworth, Taunton, UK
  • Only found your website this week - it looks cool! Our church does a fellowship bulletin, and so your cartoons and humour and quotes will be great to use.
    Jim, Dallas, USA
  • Thank you so much for such a fantastic website - I cannot praise too highly - from graphics to articles it is first class. You must work so hard to research so much every month
    Helen, Port Talbot, Wales
  • Thank you so much for your fantastic website, I dont know what I would have done without you. Our Vicar was taken ill some time ago and has since transferred to another parish. The job of Editor was offered to me. I took it on, not really knowing what was expected but with the help of your splendid site, and Gods guidance, I have managed to produce a reasonable magazine which I hope will continue to improve. Indeed I have had some nice comments from members of our Parish. Keep up the good work and God Bless.
    Mary Millard, Little Hulton, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • You always have just the content we need to complete our parish magazine. Many thanks, and keep up the great work!
    Mark Goza, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Very Good stuff for February - thanks Anne & The Team. Don't know what we'd do without you all - except perhaps have very slender magazines.
    Cheryl, Surbiton, UK
  • Feedback this year has been 'Where was Uncle Eustace' this month. (Our new Bishop had written a lengthy first piece so space was a little tight.)
    Chris Hill, Near Lincoln, UK
  • What a splendid selection this month. I just wish I had more space than the 32 pages we produce as I am sure I could fill at least 3 magazines with new material. Keep up the good work and many thanks for all your inspiration to a tired old editor.Without Parish Pump we would not have a magazine worth reading.
    barbara higson, prenton, wirral, uk
  • I think this is great that you have issed Jan 2012 now, as it helps me because we do a double magazine., to save costs. Many thanks
    Cath, St Peter's Little Aston, Lichfield Diosese, UK
  • I am very disappointed with your recent monochrome covers - they are very uninteresting and rather too religious. Rosemary
    Rosemary Royle, Pembrokeshire, UK
  • After several years I will be retiring as Editor of the Alston Moor Parish News after producing the August edition. I would like to say how much everyone here in the parish has enjoyed the articles, cartoons and stories, poems etc. from your website. The magazine would not have been so 'up-market' had it not been well filled by your efforts...as well of course as our own regular contributors articles. We filled 32 pages every month! A new editor has been appointed for the September issue, so hopefully all will continue in the same way. It is a fantastic website! Congratulations! June
    June Pepin, Alston, Cumbria, England
  • Dear friend, Thank you for the Digest pages each month. They save me hours of work and produce much better copy than I could withou it. Thank you, Ann
    Ann Knight, Ross-on-Wye, England
  • Just a little note to say that I love your mono chrome covers. I used to take your front pic and format it myself but yours looks so much better. Thank you
    Sarah , Uppermill, UK
  • I think the website is brilliant. I have used it for many years now and find it is a life saver. God Bless.
  • This would have to be the best site for religious material I have found. I am the editor of our church magazine and use the site constantly for material relating to the church year. When I first agreed to take over the magazine, I was all at sea about finding suitable religious material for the magazine. I was told about the Parish Pump and all my problems vanished. It is a wonderful source and material is always sourced and used in our magazine. The articles, the puzzles and kids stuff are all excellent. I have seen from the web site that people from all over the world use the site, a sure sign that it is good. Keep up the good work!
    Leonie C, Kingscliff, Australia
  • The Parish Pump has been of great help to me as editor of the ‘Parish News’. However, one of our readers found one of the cartoons I used from the Parish Pump ‘totally inappropriate’ and ‘offensive & irresponsible in a magazine read by all ages’. The cartoon in question was, ‘March 2011 cartoon 2’- ‘Treasurer Church Council’. I hope this is a help to other editors.
    Tony, Lingwood, Nr Norwich, UK
  • I've been a church magazine editor for 14 years and the last 6 years, prior to my retirement in March 2011, have been so much easier since finding Parish Pump. The Parish Pump membership has been passed to my replacement. Thank you and I hope you continue in your objective of helping editors.
    Colin Lees, Princes Risborough, England
  • What an amazing website! I will never run short of material for my church magazine - ever again. I love your cartoons - thank you so much.
    Elizabeth Tuttle, Halifax, UK
  • Dear Friends, Thanks for the monthly Digest CNS. I've used it as needed for many years (originally in paper form). It is a great help to me and appreciated by our readers. Thank you, Ann
    Ann Knight, Hereford, England
  • I have been using Parish Pump ever since I started Editing our church Mag. Editing has turned my hair gray but without your help I would have none at all - just torn it out!! Thankyou for a wonderful site - easy to use, always fresh and the illustrations & cartoons spot on.
  • Just like to say that I sometimes like to put in prayers or poems, but I do find that the ones that that you have are a bit on the long side. Any chance of small ones?
    Anita Lavis, Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Thank you for the new front cover in colour. A wonderful addition to your site. Long may it continue.
    Jan Luff, Orpington, United Kingdom
  • I have been using Parish Pump since February 2001 and feel sure I wouldn't have kept going this long if it hadn't been for your wonderful resources, so again a big THANK YOU. A particular favourite with the children are the mouse pages, although he is known as 'Squeaky' in our neck of the woods!
    Jan Luff, Orpington, United Kingdom
  • I've just started on the site as I have recently become editor of my church magazine. Really excited, can't wait for the first issue. Hope to use lots of material from the site and help from others! Take care everyone Best Wishes Sean
    Sean, Haslemere, Surrey, England
  • I love the new style front covers - please keep them coming!
    Alison Edwards, Walsall, England
  • Just to say - what a brilliant site with lots of interesting articles! Thanks for making my first issue a breeze! All good wishes David
    David, Taunton, UK
  • I have just found your new forum. It will be great to talk to other church magazine editors!
    James, Peterborough, UK
  • Liked your new series 'All in the month of..' Hope you will continue it. I nearly always use something from Parish Pump in each issue of our magazine. I am most grateful for this resource.
    Jane Sankey, Sevenoaks, UK
  • I have always used the front cover available from Parish Pump for our monthly magazine and they have proved to be very successful. (Someone actually thought I drew the sketches myself!). The cartoon for February about the snow suits was very appropriate as even the vicar asked if the heating could be turned up!! Best Wishes to you all at Parish Pump.
    Celia Rogers, SHOTTON, United Kingdom
  • At our Editorial Meeting last week the compliments were flying about the quality of our Magazine. Much of this is due to the interesting bits and pieces I get from Parish Pump every month - keep 'em coming! Thank you very much indeed.
    Sue Batten, Dunstable, Bedfordshire , UK
  • What would I have done without you for the February edition of our Parish Magazine?! As well as our parish magazine including mostly church orientated material, of course, I also add reports on local organisations, ie: W.I.'s., Brownies, Community Council Minutes, etc. as well as Mother's Union Meetings of course. But in January, due to the inclement weather, all meetings were cancelled, everyone was knee deep in snow.. If I hadn't had you to turn to, the magazine would have been very meager indeed. Thank you soooooooooooooo much God-bless, Kathleen
    Kathleen Graham, Chester, UK
  • Thank you for the fantastic editorial ideas and features. I especially appreciate the puzzles as there is always one page left over to fill when setting the magazine each month. You do a grand job - thank you and God bless.
    Cheryl Kuit, Surrey, England
  • Many thanks for everything during 2009. We wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas and may 2010 be a great year for everyone.
    Brian Sutton, Seal Kent, UK
  • Dear Parish Pump Very many thanks for all the work you do to assist over-worked parish magazine editors! Your articles have given that extra zing to our pages. Many thanks for all the work you do for editors - it is so much appreciated and Happy Christmas!
    Sheila Lee, Maidstone, United Kingdom
  • Thanks for a great site, without it I would be completely lost.
    Janice Adams, Northumberland, UK
  • Thank you for another wonderful year of news, articles, and pictures. I really couldn't do a 32 page magazine each month without it. Your colour cover is good but as we have a picture of our church on the front each month except for a special at Easter, Harvest, and Christmas we unfortunately cannot use it. But keep up the good work.
    Doreen Beighton, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, UK
  • Very happy to renew our subscription. Your material makes such a positive difference to both our monthly Parish Magazine and our weekly Newsletter. And the stuff that we don't use is much enjoyed by myself and the magazine editor!
    Robert Ingham, Feltham, England
  • Love the colour front cover for December. Just wish I could use it but we don't have colour copies of our magazine.
    Paula Davies, Stokesley, England
  • A great resource to compliment activities going on in our church... many thanks!
    Steve Charman, Faversham, Kent, UK
  • We love the new front cover option in colour. It helps give the magazine a 'full print' look and has been well received by our readers. I hope the six month trial proves a great success.
    Karen Hawthorne, Colne, Lancashire, UK
  • Happy Anniversary ! We've been using your service for a long time and it never fails to provide amusing cartoons and well-structured articles. I especially love the new cover page graphic
    Clive Billenness, Wetherby, Yorkshire, UK
  • Many thanks again - and again - for another good year. Sincere regards, Des Nellins+
    DES Nellins, Penarth, Glamorgan Wales
  • I just want to say thank you. 235 Family and professional groups think that I produce a wonderful 28 page magazine each three months or so 🙂 and the comments are always so positive on the content. It is easy to read, varied and provides me with the basis of what I believe a church magazine should be: that is christian education, information ,fun and local news. You are meeting my criteria 100%. Thank you so much.
    Pamela Judge, Woodville, South Australia
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ~ and may there be many more to come. Don't know what I'd do without you.
    Barbara, Dalton, England
  • Great site - I wonder if you would like some christian crossword puzzles, they are all originals, easy/medium difficulty and have proved to be very popular in parish magazines? Best Wishes, Mrs Catherine Bennett
    Mrs Catherine Bennett, Wickham Market, Suffolk
  • Glad I came back! Congratulations on your anniversary. Parish Pump is definitely a lifeline for all editors. Thank you
    Peter O'Keefe, Wickford, England
  • Hi team, I just thought I would like to congratulate you on your anniversary. I have been with you since you took over The Church News Service. It has been so easy to use your internet site and how it has improved over the years. It is absolutely tremendous. The new look site is brilliant. Well done all of you and keep up the good work! Many regards Joan
    Joan Jenner, Grimethorpe (village) Barnsley S Yorks, UK
  • I've been meaning to contact you ever since your website was updated. I've finally got round to it and I just want to say thank you for this wonderful resource. I can honestly say our church would not be able to put a magazine together without your help. I am delighted with your new puzzles and the wide variety of items available. Thank you all again - you're all doing a wonderful job!
    Doris Pratt, Southampton, England
  • Congratulations on the new website. We edit the New Messenger magazine for Gillingham Methodist Church, and find the items in Parish Pump very useful indeed. We used the word-search (St Swithuns) this month and it has been well received, so I am glad to see this is continuing. Keep up the good work!
    Helen Sharpe, Gillingham, UK
  • Great web site and great to have a good resource to turn to. To complement your content I wonder if your user editors are aware of ACE the Association for Church Editors who help in a more practical way to put magazines together with conferences and competitions. Also they help set up local groups - there may be a local group near you. Look them up on www.churcheditors.org
    Martin Dymond, Midsomer Norton, North Somerset
  • The puzzles are particularly welcome this month as I'm doing the Summer Special edition, with extra material for holiday makers with time on their hands.
    Sara Pass, Southend on Sea, England
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!! This is the first time I have used your new-look site. The presentation is brilliant and the downloading is so much quicker and easier too. Thank you very much.
    Norman Henney, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
  • Congratulations on your new website. Imaginative and easy to follow!
    John Hogbin, British Columbia, Canada
  • Having been with you for the past five years I am truly impressed with the changes that have been made to the Parish Pump. Because you have evolved, so has The Calahonda Baptist Church newsletter. Many thanks from the editor on the Costa del Sol.
    Sue, Marbella, Spain
  • Wow! Everything seemed so easy to read and to download. What a difference! Congratulations! This new site must have involved a lot of time and effort, but all very much worth it. Thank you
    Rosemary, Kenilworth, UK
  • My first look at the new site using Firefox, and what a sight! This is a greatly improved site with clear layout and print styles. Navigation around the site is well thought out and easy to use, particularly the download options. I presented the site for W3C validation and it passed with flying colours all who see your pages can be assured that you are totally compliant - there are a lot of sites which don't come anywhere near. Well done!
    Iain, Edinburgh, UK
  • As usual, a superb offering. I just wish I wasn't limited by the staplers and could produce more than 32 pages. You certainly give me enough copy. Best Wishes for your continued success and many thanks for the extra puzzles.
    Barbara, Prenton, UK
  • The new website and services are excellent. There is so much good quality material that I can't fit it all in the magazine.
    Marie Hadfield, MIddlesbrough, England
  • I edit the Parish News for a United Benefice of five parishes. It is set out in sections for each village, Church News and Public Information. Thus, I often have space to be filled at the end of sections needing copy. Also, as it is put together in multiples of four pages, I sometimes have to find 1, 2 or even 3 extra pages. Without the Parish Pump, I would find it extremely difficult to have enough copy. Thank you thank you thank you! I regularly use 1 or more of the childrens' pages; sometimes I use a cartoon or the crossword. I welcome the addition of Sudoku and Wordsearch. From the editorial I draw extensively on 'You and the Community', Holy Days, and series such as the current one on Signs and Symbols. Smile Lines usefully fill the odd inch at the bottom of a page, and the illustrations add much liveliness to sometimes boring village reports! I am regularly complimented on the magazine, and much of the credit is due to the Parish Pump!
    Alison Black, Milstead, Sittingbourne, Uk
  • Thank you for a great Web Site, easy to navigate and as always full of information, makes a poor vicar's life just that little bit easier when compiling the Mag. Keep up the good work and God bless you all at Parish Pump.
    Peter Adamson, Richmond, United Kingdom
  • This is a much better way of downloading the information. Well done to all the team and keep up the good work.
  • Just to let you know I like the new format. It is very easy to use and makes my life so much easier having access to your website when I am struggling with editorials!
    John Morris, Plymouth, UK
  • Love the new format - much simpler to use - as always the content of your site is excellent.
    Hilary Kale, Stockport, UK
  • I have been editing our local church magazine for three years and have eventually found time to properly look at your website - I wish I had looked before! The website is informative and easy to use. I will be visiting your site again soon to have a look at the sample material. The pdf file on Your Church Magazine will keep me occupied for a few days! - so much advice and information. Thanks. Chris
    Chris Randle, Staffordshire, UK
  • Congratulations on 10 years. The new website is a great improvement. Well done.
    Edna Sharp, St. Albans, Herts, England
  • Just to say I love the new look - very exciting. Especially love the monks. Thanks and God Bless to you all.
    Patsy, Redditch, UK
  • What a great site - lots of terrific material for our quarterly Parish Magazine. I especially enjoy the letters from St James the Least of All.
    Phillip Swain, Geelong, Australia
  • Congratulations and well done - the new site looks great and the content is as good as ever. The search box is a particularly welcome addition. Happy Birthday!
    Ian Short, Rochdale, UK
  • Congratulations on the new site it seems a lot quicker and more efficient. I don't know what I would do without Parish Pump, it is well worth the modest subscription.
    William Harris, Northwich, UK
  • Congratulations on being 10, well done on the new site and a big thank you for being so useful!
    Peter Edwards, Ashford, UK
  • Congratulations on the new format. So much easier to use and you continue to produce first class material. St George's Memorial Church(Ypres) Newsletter has gone from strength to strength with the help of Parish pump to give us church news and thought from the UK. We have many readers in the UK also(online) and the letters from St James the Least are now read and appreciated in many homes here in Belgium and elsewhere. The situations ring so true!!!
    Revd Raymond Jones, Ieper, Belgium
  • Just wanted to say " Happy Tenth Birthday"  Well done Parish Pump!  
    Jennifer Davies, New Brighton, UK
  • Your new site is much appreciated, nice and clear and so much quicker to use. Well done!
    Stuart Lewis, Cheltenham, UK
  • Happy Birthday! And - congratulations; the new website is really easy to use. I really appreciate being able to download material in MS Word format - saves our Magazine Group even more time and effort. Thanks folks
    Joan Dunn, Alnwick, UK
  • Fab new website!! Parishpump has been a great help to me during my time as editor. It has some great articles and has inspired some of my own articles. Keep up the good work!! Am also loving the new look!!
    Sarah, St.Helens, UK
  • Just to say - Love the new site. So easy to use. Keep up the good, sorry, fantastic work.
    Jane Coughlin, Darwen, UK
  • WOW! Really love the new site. It's much easier to find what you want and the different formats for files to download are really useful. Well done - a great job!
    Karen Wake, Sussex, UK
  • Like the new layout. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
    Chris P Hill, Lincoln, UK
  • Happy Birthday. New web site is marvellous. Have been using Parish Pump since 2002. It has never failed to deliver excellent magazine material. Best Wishes for the next 10 years.
    Judith Tarren, Middlesbrough, England
  • Happy Birthday. What a lovely way to celebrate with a 'New Look' website. I have just downloaded the Front Cover for the June edition of our Parish Magazine. All our readers are very pleased with the drawings, some even thought I did them myself! But I came clean. Thank you Parish Pump team for a wonderful website, it makes an editor's job so much easier. Here's to the next 10 years.
    Celia Rogers, Shotton, North Wales
  • Good work, Parish Pump! Very impressive new look and lot's of good ideas!
    Roger Roberts, Sterrebeek, Belgium
  • Wow! What a website and great material! Who's the genius behind all of this?
    Roger Roberts, Sterrebeek, Belgium
  • Good morning and what a very nice new website you have!
    Angela Harbottle, Dunmow, UK
  • I just wanted to congratulate you on your new-look website. I cannot imagine how it could be bettered. Thank you and well done.
    Patricia Chesson, Crawley, UK
  • Happy Birthday! And thank you for many years of help and ideas for 'Woolston Eyes', our parish magazine.
    Marjorie Clarke, Warrington, UK
  • Congratulations on your new format web-site. It is excellent!
    Brian Sutton, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK
  • I really approve of the new look website - much easier to use - well done.
    Vivien Eaves, Blackpool, Lancashire
  • Happy Birthday. Many thanks for all the years of service you have given us - without you our magazine would not be as successful as it is.
    Barbara Irwin, Dalton in Furness, Cumbria
  • Wow. What a shock I got when I opened Parish Pump up. It is great!! Thanks for all the help you give to the editors of all church mags. Keep it up.
    Anita Lavis, Bristol, UK
  • Hi Anne & Team, well done for a brilliant new website. Very eye-catching and easy to use and content (as always) first class. never short of articles or graphics with parish pump.
    Norman Pacey, Hull, UK
  • Congratulations Anne. The new forrmat is so much easier to use. And much easier to read on screen
    Martin Stevenson, West Bridgford, England
  • Brilliant Anne! I love the new look and it's so easy to use too. Thanks for all your hard work and encouragement.
    June Ritchie, Liverpool, UK
  • Congratulations. Very easy website to use, very clear, like the new colours and of course content as good as usual.
    Michele Folds, Mottram st Andrew, UK
  • Well done, Anne - there at last-! It looks very good
    Gordon Pickering, Alderley Edge, UK
  • I've just visited your site and want to congratulate you on the great 'new look'! Well done, Parish Pump!
    Catherine Pendle, Manchester, UK
  • We are a Community rather than a Church magazine, covering a diversity of ages and interests. As editor, I am always scratching around to find something to interest all of our readers and you have proven to be a wonderfully rich resource. Many thanks.
    Linda Uttley, St Enoder Parish, Cornwall, UK
  • I had absolutely no idea about how to go about editing a church magazine. Our Vicar mentioned that there was something on the web, so I typed 'Church Magazine Editing' into Google and you were the first hit (first 3 hits, to be precise!). Thank goodness! I've just sent the second one off to be printed, and the problem is not finding things to put in, but deciding what to leave out! You must put so much work into this website. Thank you very, very much indeed!
    Nigel Beeton, Bury St Edmunds, UK
  • Thank you for providing this resource! I conduct a survey every 6 months or so to see what our parishioners like or dislike and I always get favourable comments about material you have provided.
    Marie Hadfield, Middlesbrough, UK
  • What a great website! I was about to give up on my church magazine, when someone told me about you.
    Sarah Lacey, Macclesfield, UK
  • Thanks for the articles, cartoons and crossword. Life is made easier because they are so easy to use, and they make the magazine more interesting reading!
    Richard Eastman, Leicester, UK