Welcome to your August issue of Parish Pump

THANK YOU for the many, many church magazines which you have sent in, from all over the UK and beyond!
Our Postman is now very fit, and Sammie, the editor’s dog, is very hoarse from giving a personal greeting to each and every magazine as it landed on the mat.
But more important, your magazines were invaluable to us at the recent Chester Diocesan Clergy Conference at The Heyes in Swanwick. Clergy were able to see how easily PP material can blend in with their church’s reports and features, and a good few of them have promised to take out a Free Trial and see if it works for them. So, thank you!
I write this as Wimbledon gets underway, when some of us may find Centre Court more interesting than even our August magazines. But no worries – if you can spare even a few minutes away from the TV, there is plenty on PP to help you get the job done quickly. In fact, you may finish your magazine before they finish the match!
Have a good month –
Warm wishes
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team